
DB Configuration

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021


Database configuration is used to upload the database schema from external databases to

Create DB Configuration

To add a DB Configuration, do the following:

  1. Click on the + icon on the Datasets page and select the DB Configuration option.
  2. The Connection Name dialog box appears. Enter the following details:
    Image description
    • Name: Name of the DB Configuration.
    • Type: A drop-down field to select the required DB to be connected to. The following options are available:
      • DB2
      • MS SQL
      • MYSQL
      • ORACLE
      • POSTGRES
    • URL: URL of the external DB.
    • Username: Username of the external DB.
    • Password: Password of the external DB.
  3. Click on the TEST CONNECTION button to check if the connection is established properly.
  4. The newly created DB Connection gets listed in the Datasets listing page.
    Click the name of the DB Configuration to navigate to the SQL Editor page where all the tables in that DB are listed.
    You can use these tables in the SQL Dataset to create the required dataset for further processing.
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