
Login to

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021


After accepting the email invite from Tenant Admin, create your password and log in using the credentials.

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App Summary

After logging in, App Summary page is displayed with all the existing Apps.
You can click the required App or create your own App.

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Profile Management

View / Edit Profile

You can modify your profile as required. To view/edit profile, do the following:

  1. Click the Username at top right corner of the page.
  2. Click the View/Edit Profile option. Image description
  3. On the Profile Information page, the following modifications can be done:

Change Profile Picture

To change the profile picture, do the following in View/Edit Profile tab of Profile Information page:

  1. Click the Image description icon in the bottom right corner of the profile picture.
  2. In the Upload profile photo window, click the Browse option to choose the picture from the system or drag and drop the required image.
  3. Once upload is completed, click the SAVE button.

Change Profile Details

To edit the details in the Profile Information page:

  1. Click the Image description icon.
  2. Do the required changes.
  3. Click the SAVE button.

Change Password

To change password, click the Change Password tab on Profile Information page: Image description

  1. Enter your Current Password.
  2. Enter your New Password.
  3. Confirm your new password.
  4. Click the SAVE button.
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