
Core Application Server


Perform the following steps to stop and start the application whenever there is maintenance activity in the core server or application upgrades, etc.

Stop application

Step 1

Login to core server and run the following command as a root user to stop the nginx

  • /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
  • ps -ef | grep nginx

Image description

Stop td-agent

  • sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent stop
  • sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent status

Image description

Stop Loki Service

  • sudo service loki stop
  • sudo service loki status

Image description

Step 2

Switch the user to app Linux user and run the following commands as jiffy app user.

application stop all

Step 3

To check whether all the services have stopped

application status

Image description

Step 4

In case of the Periodic Maintenance (Gracefully stopping the Application):

This should be part of Application Periodic Maintenance, Restart/Reboot).

Image description Image description
  • Stop the Polling from the UI and wait for the queues to clear up. If queues are not clearing up, you can manually login to RabbitMQ and purge the queues.
  • Stop the Bots.
  • Make sure Application is stopped. If maintenance is on all the three servers (Core/ML/DB), stop the Postgres and Mongo process on DB. Bring down the Docker Containers in Cognitive and stop the Application on Core Server.
Once everything is stopped,the RabbitMQ queues are purged, and you can proceed with the Maintenance.

Start Application

Step 1

Login to core server and run the following command as a root user to start the nginx

  • /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx
  • ps -ef | grep nginx

Image description

Step 2

Login to core server and run the following command as a root user to start the Loki and td-agent services

Start Loki Service

  • sudo service loki start
  • sudo service loki status

Image description

Start td-agent

  • sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent start
  • sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent start

Image description

Step 3

Switch the user to app Linux user and run the following commands as app user.

Start Zipkins Service

  • \$JIFFY\HOME/zipkin/conf/
  • ps -ef | grep zipkin

Image description


application start all

Image description

Step 4

To check whether all the services have started

application status

Image description

Vault Unseal during Restart

Run the following commands as app Linux user whenever there is a application restart to start the vault services.

Step 1

cd \$JIFFY_HOME/.vault.d/

Step 2

nohup vault server -config=startupconfig.hcl > vault_$(date+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log 2>&1 &

Step 3

vault operator unseal <unseal key 1 which was generated during the initialization>

Step 4

vault operator unseal <unseal key 2 which was generated during the initialization>

Checking Vault Running Status

ps -ef | grep vault

Image description

Both NGINX and Grafana are running from Root user.

Jiffy core services like stop/start Application must be performed from :jiffyapp-usr

  • Click here to know more about the steps to be followed, if the Execution is hung and the messages are getting piled up in RabbitMQ.
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