Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021
To view/modify data in the Jiffy Table, click the name of the Jiffy table in the Dataset listing screen.
The rows in the table are arranged in the descending order of Updated Date by default. Click icon against the name of the column to arrange them in Ascending or Descending order.
Click the View button to view the columns and data in the Inline table.
Click the icon next to the required row to edit
the data in that row. The form designed for record opens. Edit the
fields and click the SAVE button.
Click the icon next to the required row to
duplicate that row.
Select the row and click the Delete button.
If a row is locked, a lock symbol appears under the column Lock. A row will be locked if it is already being edited by a user or by a bot (if the lock option is enabled on the Jiffy Select node).
Select the row and click the Unlock button to release the lock.
You can select the checkbox
at top to select all the rows in the table to delete or unlock.