Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021
Polling nodes are used to trigger the execution of tasks repeatedly after a given time interval and post competition of previous execution.
The execution of Polling nodes is continued until it is stopped manually, irrespective of whether the child task has successfully executed or failed. So, this can be considered as a scheduler which can trigger the execution of other child tasks at a given time interval.
Polling node can be executed only in Execution mode.
Polling node is used to trigger the execution of child task that reads email every five minutes.
Click the Start Polling node. In the Properties tab, enter the Name and Description.
Click the End Polling node. In the Properties tab, enter the Name and Description.
Execute the Task in Execution Mode.
Click the icon to stop polling.
Click the Run ID of the Task to view the Execution History and Run Details where you can monitor the Task execution.