
Additional Options in Jiffy Table Chart


Business users access Jiffy Table Presentations to add or edit data and take necessary actions required in the process flow.
On the Presentation listing page, click the name of the Jiffy Table Presentation to be modified.

The following options are displayed at the top right corner of the Jiffy Table Presentation.

Add Table Data

  1. Click the + icon to add new records.
  2. Enter data for each records.
  3. Click the Save button.

Filter Table Data

  1. Click the Image description option at the top right corner to filter the records.
  2. Enter the conditions for filtering.
  3. Click the Save button.

Download Table Data

  1. Click the Image description icon at the top right corner.
    1. Click the Download the Excel option to download the table data in XLSX format.
    2. Click the Download as CSV option to download the table data as CSV file.

Show/Hide Default Data

  1. Click the Image description option to show/hide default view of the columns.
  2. Check the checkbox for the columns to be displayed.

Image description

  • You can sort the column values in ascending, descending, or alphabetical order using the Image description icon.
  • You can reorder the columns by dragging and dropping them.
  • You can resize each column using the Image description icon.
  • You can click the attachments/images to be downloaded and use Image description icon to download.
  • You can view Inline table using the VIEW option against each record.
  • You can click the Image description icon to edit the records.

Image description

Click the Image description icon to resize the Forms window.

Modifications of the records are auto refreshed and displayed on the Presentation.

Table preferences are saved at User level.

  • When Business User logs in next time, the saved preferences are retained in the Presentation.
  • If Designer makes any changes, it overrides the user preferences.

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