
Jiffy Upgrade to 4.7


Third-Party Package Changes

Package Name Till 4.6 Jiffy Version 4.7 Jiffy Version
Postgres - DB server version 12.4 14.2
Mongo 4.0.19-1 4.2.19
.Net Framework 4.7.2 4.8 +
Python 3.7.9 3.10.3
Vault 1.8.5 1.10.0
Nginx 1.17.8 1.20.2
RabbitMQ 3.8.2 3.9.14-1
Drill 1.17 1.19.0
Redis 6.0.5 6.2.6
ZooKeeper 3.4.8 3.7.0
llvm-toolset-7-clang NA 5.0.1-4
libicu NA 50.2-4

Supported Upgrade Versions

The following Jiffy versions can do a direct upgrade to version 4.7.

  1. Jiffy Automate 4.6.0
  2. Jiffy Automate 4.6.1
  3. Jiffy Automate 4.6.2
  4. Jiffy Automate 4.6.3
  5. Jiffy Automate 4.6.4
  6. Jiffy Automate 4.6.5
  7. Jiffy Automate 4.6.6

Artifact list

Name Version Type Description
jiffy-playbook.tar.gz 4.7 Ansible playbook Ansible scripts which does the upgrade
jiffy-upgrade.tar.gz 4.7 Compressed tar Jiffy core artifacts 4.7 Helm charts Helm charts for container deployments

Helm Chart Changes

Chart Change Affected charts Change
removed .ht from jiffy-auth k8s secret
  • backward-comp
  • bolml
  • bol_category
  • docsplit
  • handwritingsegmentation
  • invoiceml
  • invoicecategory
  • pdf2image
  • pdf2json-service
  • pdfsplit
  • portfolio
  • w2ml
  • w2split
  • lineitemmatch
templates/deployment.yaml Image description
MASTERKEY is now read from the pod environment variables instead of reading from file inside the pod.
  • backward-comp
  • bolml
  • bol_category
  • docsplit
  • handwritingsegmentation
  • invoiceml
  • invoicecategory
  • pdf2image
  • pdf2json-service
  • pdfsplit
  • portfolio
  • template-converter
  • w2ml
  • w2split
  • lineitemmatch
  • functionator
templates/deployment.yamlImage description
pod configured to use jiffy-auth secret
  • functionator
  • template-converter
pod configured to use services-properties configmap template-converter

Upgrade Prerequisites

  1. Stop Jiffy application.
    1. Log in to the core server shell.
    2. Switch to jiffy application user.
    3. Stop the application.

      1. application stop all
      2. application stop vault

  2. Backup the Postgresql, and MongoDB databases.
    1. For Jiffy and GUS postgres backups (Commands will prompt for DB password):

      1. pg_dump -h {DB hostname} -p 5432 {jiffy-schema-name} -U {username} | gzip > {filename.gz}
      2. pg_dump -h {DB hostname} -p 5432 {gus-schema-name} -U {username} | gzip > {filename.gz}

    2. For mongoDB backup
      Self Hosted:
      1. Connect to the mongoDB server
      2. Switch to jiffy application user

        mongodump --ssl --host {MongoDB hostname} --port 27017 --sslPEMKeyFile {Keyfile the certificate is a combination of ca+cert} --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --authenticationDatabase admin -u admin --out {filename.dump}

        Command will prompt for DB admin password.
  3. Backup Postgresql Data directory, MongoDB Data directory, Vault data directory.

Pre-Upgrade steps

  1. Connect to the core server.
  2. Switch to the jiffy application user.
  3. Download the artifact files:
    1. Download helm charts.

      1. export JIFFY_INSTALL=“/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/”
      2. mkdir -p $JIFFY_INSTALL/helm/
      3. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL/helm/
      4. wget –user {username} –ask-password

    2. Extract the helm charts in jiffy core server.


    3. Download ansible-playbook and upgrade artifact.

      1. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL
      2. wget –user {username} –ask-password
      3. wget –user {username} –ask-password

    4. Extract ansible-playbook and upgrade artifact.

      1. tar -xf jiffy-playbook.tar.gz
      2. tar -xf jiffy-upgrade.tar.gz -C $JIFFY_INSTALL/upgrade/

  4. Fill in the inventory file and variable.yml file as per requirement (use the existing files or parameters from the previous/last installation as reference)
    1. The inventory file contains all the details of the servers, authentication methods, etc.
    2. variable.yml file contains all the parameters such as the username, custom application parameters, mount point, etc.

Ansible ENV creation and yum updates


Package Name

  • llvm-toolset-7-clang: 5.0.1-4 version
  • postgresql-devel: 14.2 version

To install llvm-toolset-7-clang follow the steps below:

  1. subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-devtools-rpms
  2. subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
  3. cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
  4. wget -O RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel
  5. rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel
  6. yum install
  7. yum install llvm5.0-devel
  8. yum install llvm-toolset-7-clang -y

For Centos:

Ansible playbook will handle installing llvm-toolset-7-clang and postgresql-devel

Common steps (as root user)

  1. export JIFFY_INSTALL=“/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/”
  2. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL/upgrade/
  3. chmod u+x
  4. ./


The following steps will cover code backup, in case of rollback to a previously installed version.

  1. Switch to root user in the core server
  2. Activate the Ansible Python virtual environment.
    Applicable only, if Ansible is installed under python virtual environment.

    source /opt/jiffy3rdparty/ansibleEnv/bin/activate

  3. Start backup process:

    1. export JIFFY_INSTALL="/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/"
    2. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL
    3. ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml

    For debug mode

    ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v

    For detailed debug mode:

    ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv

  4. Change ownership of /tmp/jiffy-install to jiffy application user.

    chown -R {jiffyapp linux user}:{jiffyapp linux user group} /tmp/jiffy-install

  5. Switch to the jiffy application user
  6. Activate the ansible python virtual environment.
    Applicable only, if ansible is installed under python virtual environment

    source /opt/jiffy3rdparty/ansibleEnv/bin/activate

  7. Run the non-root installer : (Sample variable and inventory file below)

    ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml

    For debug mode:

    ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v

    For detailed debug mode:

    ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv

Upgrade procedure

DB Upgrade

During the upgrade, ulimits value on the DB server will be updated.

  1. Switch to root user in the core server.
  2. Activate the ansible python virtual environment.
    Applicable only, if ansible is installed under python virtual environment.

    source /opt/jiffy3rdparty/ansibleEnv/bin/activate

  3. Execute the playbook to begin the upgrade.

    1. export JIFFY_INSTALL="/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7"
    2. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL
    3. ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml

    For debug mode:

    ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l db -e @variable.yml -v

    For detailed debug mode:

    ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l db -e @variable.yml -vvvv

    Core Upgrade

    1. Switch to root user in the core server.
    2. Activate the ansible python virtual environment.
      Applicable only, if ansible is installed under python virtual environment.

      source /opt/jiffy3rdparty/ansibleEnv/bin/activate

    3. Execute the playbook to begin the upgrade.

      1. export JIFFY_INSTALL="/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/"
      2. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL
      3. ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml

      For debug mode:

      ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -v

      For detailed debug mode:

      ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -vvvv

      For sudo and ssh password prompt add -kK options along with run command:

      ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -kK

    4. Change ownership of /tmp/jiffy-install to jiffy application user.

      chown -R {jiffyapp linux user}:{jiffyapp linux user group} /tmp/jiffy-install

    5. Switch to the jiffy application user.
    6. Activate the ansible python virtual environment.
      Applicable only, if Ansible is installed under python virtual environment.

      source /opt/jiffy3rdparty/ansibleEnv/bin/activate

    7. Run the non-root installer.

      • export JIFFY_INSTALL="/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/"
      • cd $JIFFY_INSTALL
      • ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml
      For debug mode:

      ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -v

      For detailed debug mode:

      ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -vvvv

    8. Execute the below ansible command to update application configuration changes.
      with masterkey prompt:

      ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -l core -e @variable.yml

      without masterkey prompt:

      ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -l core -e masterKey='{replaceme}' -e @variable.yml

    9. Start and unseal vault

      1. application start all
      2. cd $JIFFY_HOME/.vault.d/
      3. nohup vault server -config=startupconfig.hcl >vault_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log 2 >&1 &
      4. vault operator unseal {unseal key 1}
      5. vault operator unseal {unseal key 2}

    Kubernetes Upgrade

    1. Connect to Core server.
    2. Execute the following commands.

      1. export JIFFY_INSTALL="/tmp/jiffy-install/4.7/"
      2. cd $JIFFY_INSTALL/helm/
      3. chmod 777

    3. Switch to jiffy application user.
    4. Remove old jiffy-auth secrets.

      1. Remove jiffy-auth secrets
      2. kubectl delete secret jiffy-auth -n jiffy-cognitive
      3. Create jiffy-auth secrets
      4. kubectl create secret generic jiffy-auth --from-literal=password_key='[masterkey}' --from-file={mountpoint}/jiffy/auth/.at -n jiffy-cognitive

    5. Execute the script for Kubernetes upgrade. Default values for the Kubernetes upgrade script.

      • namespace(n)=jiffy-cognitive
      • replicacount(r)=1
      • mountpoint(m)=/opt

    6. Uninstall the existing docplit container from the cluster.

      helm uninstall docplit -n {namespace}

      ./ -k '{masterkey|mandatory}' -n {namespace} -c {clusterDNS|mandatory} -r {replicacount} -m {mountpoint}

    Post Upgrade

    Restart Nginx

    Nginx on the core server has to be restarted by the user with elevated privileges.

    1. /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
    2. systemctl start jiffy-nginx

    Drill HEAP and MAX Memory

    As the jiffy application user, execute the below commands to modify/apply DRILL_MEMORY parameters

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. sed -i 's/^#export DRILL_HEAP=${DRILL_HEAP:-"4G"}/export DRILL_HEAP=${DRILL_HEAP:-"8G"}/g' $DOCUBE_HOME/drill/conf/
    4. application stop all
    5. application start all

    Verify the DRILL_MAX_HEAP_MEMORY on the drill configuration file.

    cat $DOCUBE_HOME/drill/conf/

    Enable rabbitmq Prometheus plugin

    1. Log in to the core server as a root user and run the below command:

      rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_prometheus

    2. Update rabbitmq conf with the below parameter and respective value:

      vi /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf

      add this line:

      prometheus.return_per_object_metrics = true

      Restart rabbitmq

      systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

      Jiffy Bot Upgrade

      1. Search for Jiffy Bot Manager App and click on it. Right click the Bot Manager in the toolbar and click the Check for updates.
      2. Click the Update button to download the app.
      3. Once the download is completed, provide the admin credentials.
      4. Start the installation by clicking on the Next button.
      5. Select the Complete option and click the Install button.
      6. Reboot the machine to complete the installation.



      • Connect to core server.
      • Switch to jiffy application user.
      1. Verify jiffy version by running the following command in the core server. Version should be 4.7.

        cat $JIFFY_HOME/productversion.txt

      2. Verify jiffy client version by running the following command in the core server. Version should be 4.7.

        cat $JIFFY_HOME/data/client/setup/version.txt

      3. Verify configuration in the application properties file.
        1. ($JIFFY_HOME/properties/)
        2. ($JIFFY_HOME/properties/)
        3. ($JIFFY_HOME/properties/)
        4. ($GUS_HOME/)
        5. ($JIFFY_HOME/)
      4. Check uptime and status of jiffy core application processes

        supervisorctl status

      5. Check pod status.

        kubectl get pods -n {namespace}

      6. Check Vault status.

        vault status

      Smoke Test

      1. Connect to Bot Machine.
        1. Right-click on the Bot Manager bottom right and Press Check for updates.
        2. Click the check for updates button to upgrade bot machine.
      2. Connect to jiffy application URL.
      3. Log in to tenant.
        1. Run the below tasks (if available):
          1. Doc node
          2. Web node
          3. Excel node
          4. Add new secrets to vault and verify vault status.
          5. Add dataset
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