
Tenant Admin Profile


Login Procedure

To login for the first time, the Tenant Admin clicks the Accept Invitation button in the email invite.

Upon accepting the invitation, the user can select either Jiffy Authentication or LDAP Authentication.

Image description

Jiffy Authentication

  1. Select the Jiffy Authentication option and click the NEXT button.
  2. In the Setup Password screen, type the required password in the Enter Password text box, considering the validations shown on the screen. Image description
  3. Re-type the password in the Confirm Password text box to confirm.
  4. Click the SAVE button to save the password.
  5. In the Password setup is complete! dialog that appears, click the OKAY button. Image description
  6. Type the username and the password in the Login to Get Started screen that appears.

    In this case, there will be no entry of LDAP settings to be shown under the Applications Settings screen of the Tenant Admin.

LDAP Authentication

  1. Select the LDAP Authentication option and click the NEXT button.
  2. In the LDAP Settings screen that appears, specify the following details: Image description

    • LDAP URL: It is a string that can be used to encapsulate the address and port of a directory server. It specifies the LDAP host, port, and root.
    • Bind Type: The value for this field is DN (Distinguished Name). A Bind DN consists of the user and the location of the user in the LDAP directory tree.
    • Search DN: Search DN is used to define criteria for identifying entries that contain information about the DN.
    • Use Service Account: If this toggle button is set to ON, Jiffy looks for the user in the Service Account first, and validates the user based on the selected bind type. It is a two-way authentication process, if the service account credentials are not correct, an error message is displayed indicating that the username does not exist.
      The following fields are displayed only when Use Service Account is toggled ON.
      • Username: Service account username.
      • Password: Service account password.

    The Username and Password fields are mandatory and can be filled using the values fromSecure Vault.

  3. Once the server details along with the Service account username and password are provided, click the TEST CONNECTION button to validate LDAP authentication.
    If the Use Service Account is set to OFF, the LDAP server connection establishment happens by implementing a different approach of using the DN entry values.

  4. Once the test connection is successful, the TEST CONNECTION button changes with a green tick mark. Image description

    If the test connection fails, the TEST CONNECTION button is replaced with the TRY AGAIN button. The user is redirected to the LDAP settings screen to check if the details provided are correct if not, the user can modify them. Click on the TRY AGAIN button to validate the connection again. If the connection fails again, a message "Please contact System Administrator and alternatively Jiffy authentication can be used" is displayed.

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