
Presentation - FAQs


  1. Can we apply the same filter on multiple Charts in a Presentation?
    Yes, you can apply the same filter to multiple Charts in a Presentation using the option of Interaction Group. To know more about Interaction Group, click here.

  2. What is the difference between Dataset and Jiffy Table Chart types?
    Dataset Charts can be created on any of the SQL Dataset, CSV Dataset, Document Table, and Jiffy Table Datasets present in the HyperApp whereas Jiffy Table Charts can be created only on the Document Tables and Jiffy Tables and Document Tables of the HyperApp.
    In Jiffy Table Presentations you can change data, intervene actions like approve etc through forms, whereas in Dataset Presentations you cannot. It will only display the static data.

  3. Can we change the x-axis, y-axis labels? How can we adjust the x-axis labels if the labels overlaps?
    Yes, you can change the x-axis, y-axis labels using Customize x and y-axis option in the Chart properties. To know more about labels, click here.
    To adjust the overlapped x-axis labels, you can change the label angle using the Tick Text Angle option in Customize x and y-axis.

  4. How do we add subtitles for the presentation?
    You can add Card Title for each of the Charts within the Presentation.

  5. Can we rearrange the order of fields in the Jiffy Table Presentation?
    No, you cannot rearrange the order of fields in the Jiffy Table Presentation, but you can select only the required fields to be displayed in the Presentation.How do we add subtitles for the presentation?

  6. How can we change the color of a Presentation?
    To know more about Change Color, click here.

  7. Can we add custom color palettes?
    Yes, you can add custom color palette. To know more about Custom Color Palette, click here.

  8. Can we add custom functions/expressions for data transformation?
    Yes, you can add custom functions/expressions using the change function (Image description) option in the Chart properties. To know more about Change Function, click here.

  9. Can we insert a new Chart to an existing Presentation?
    Yes, you can add new Charts to an existing Presentation using the various options listed below:

    • Insert Above
    • Insert Below
    • Resize and add another Chart.
  10. Can we generate Presentations from SQL datasets?
    Yes, you can generate Presentations from SQL datasets using Dataset Charts. To know more about Dataset Charts, click here.

  11. Can we generate Presentations from inline tables?
    No, Presentations on Inline tables are not allowed.

  12. Can we generate Presentations from CSV datasets?
    Yes, you can generate Presentations from CSV datasets using Dataset Charts. To know more about Dataset Charts, click here.

  13. Is it possible to share the Presentation with other users? If yes, How?
    Yes, you can share the Presentation with other users. When the HyperApp is shared with another user, the Presentations with in the HyperApp are also shared with the user.

  14. How can we restrict presentation view to different business roles?
    You can create Custom User Roles for the different Business Roles in the HyperApp and provide access only to the specific presentations that the User must have access to. For example, create a User Role for Approver and provide access to Ticket Trend Presentation.

  15. How can we design user based views for the presentation?
    You can use Filter to design user-based views for the Presentation. Filter on field CreatedBy . Use Filter condition CreatedBy is CurrentUser. When User logs in, he will only be able to see the records he created. To know more about Filter, click here.

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