
Dataset Refresh


The Dataset Refresh node is used to refresh the SQL Dataset.

Use Dataset Refresh node to refresh the SQL dataset and update with the latest sales reports. The data of current month is combined with the previous data when Join Query is executed.

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Properties Of Dataset Refresh Node

  1.  Click the Dataset Refresh node. In the Properties tab, enter Name and Description.
  2. Enable Mark run Failure on Node Fail and Continue on Failure, options as required.
  3. All SQL Datsets created for the App are displyed in the Select SQL Data Sheet drop-down. Select the Dataset to be refreshed.
  4. Refresh with query:
    • Toggle ON, to make changes to Dataset using SQL query.
    • Toggle OFF, to refresh the Dataset with latest changes.
  5. Query: Type required query to refresh the Dataset.

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Result of Execution in Dataset Refresh Node

After executing task, the Result of Execution window is displayed with the following tabs.

  • Output: Execution status of the node is displayed.
  • Run Info: The Run details are displayed. It includes Run ID, Sequence Number, Iteration ID, Iteration Start Time, Iteration End Time, and Iteration Time (in seconds), and Total Node Execution Time (in seconds).

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Navigate to the respective SQL Dataset in the Datasets screen to view the refreshed Dataset.

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