Bot Name: The Developer Bot name is the same as the Jiffy Username who is executing the task.
Action buttons: The , , and icons that are provided against each Bot are in disabled state for Developer Bots.
Status: The Status of the Developer Bots have the following values:
At Rest: The Bot and the Windows services are started but no tasks are currently being executed.
Running: The Bot and the Windows services are started. Tasks associated with the Bot are getting executed.
Start/Stop Procedure
Right-click the icon from the Taskbar.
Click the Start Developer Bot option.
You will be directed to Jiffy Login screen in the browser.
Enter the username and password and and click the LOG IN button.
On successful login, the developer bot starts, Bot console window appears in the task bar, and the following window appears which you can close to proceed further.
If you have already logged in to Jiffy, the developer bot will be started and Bot console window appears in the task bar.
To stop the Bot, click the x icon in the Bot Console window.
Click the Yes, Gracefully option to terminate the bot gracefully. The execution of the current node will be completed.
Click the Yes, Immediately option to terminated the bot immediately. The execution of the current node will be stopped abruptly.