

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Mapping helps in passing data from preceding nodes to the succeeding nodes.

The output variable of each node is available to be mapped as input in all the subsequent nodes.

Edit Mapping Data Window

Click the link between two nodes. Edit Mapping Data window opens. 
You can select the node from where you want to map the elements in the dropdown on the top of the left panel in the mapping screen. All the preceding nodes get listed here.
All the output variables of the selected node get listed on the left-hand panel of mapping screen.
You can select the value and pass them to current node.

There are two types of mapping windows based on the nodes.

  • Map output variables from preceding nodes as input variables to the current node using ADD option, for example, Excel node, Web UI node.
  • Map output variables from preceding node to selected parameter of the current node using ELEMENT/EASY MAP option, for example, Email node.

You can map elements in any order and need not match with the order in the tree structure.

Use ADD Option

  1. Expand the tree structure of the attribute you wish to map on the left-hand panel.
  2. Select the output variable to be mapped.
  3. Click the ADD button.
    The variables are added in Where to put? field and path of the variable are added in What to get field.
  4. Rename the variables as required to make them intuitive for further use in the current node.

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Element Map

You can select the parameter to be mapped from right-hand panel and pass value to it from the preceding nodes using ELEMENT MAP option.

Right- hand panel of the window displays parameters of the current node.

  1. Expand the tree structure of current node and the node containing variables to be mapped.
  2. Select the parameter to be mapped from both the panels.
  3. Click the ELEMENT MAP button.

    Press Ctrl on the keyboard to deselect any parameter.

Mapped elements are listed at the bottom with the Types of Mapping, From Where, Output Name, What to get, Which All, and Where to put? fields.

  • You can use Clear all option to delete all the mapped elements.
  • Click the Image description icon against each mapped element to delete.

Types of Element Map

The following four types are available:

  • Easy
  • XPath
  • Constant
  • Expression


Required parameters are mapped from left-hand panel to the right-hand panel and the corresponding values are passed.

Select Easy from the Type of Mapping drop-down.

From Function node, select the fileID from the output variable on the left-hand panel and pass it to the parameter pdfFID of Doc Reader node on the right-hand panel.

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XPath (XML Path Language) of a particular element is mapped to the current node.

Select XPath from the Type of Mapping drop-down.

The Type of Mapping for UID in Email node is always XPath.

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A constant value is mapped to the current node.

  1. Select Constant from the Type of Mapping drop-down.
  2. Enter value of constant in the What to get? field.
  3. Press Enter from the keyboard.

In Doc Reader node, the values for Location, Password, and Category are passed as constants.

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Javascript is used to write expressions to map the values.

  1. Select Expression from the Type of Mapping drop-down.
  2. Click the Image description icon. Editor window opens.

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Editor Window

  1. Write Javascript to map the desired value.
  2. Select Jiffy Functions from the Functions Groups drop-down, for example, Jiffy String Methods.
  3. Select the action to be performed from the Methods drop-down, for example, Capitalize.
  4. Click the Image description icon to close.

Expression Mapping is used to send emails to multiple email IDs by defining them as variables.

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Easy Map

Easy Map is used when the parameters of both left-hand panel and right-hand panel are similar.

Select the root element and click the EASY MAP button.

All the elements are mapped if the Xpath of elements in left-hand panel are matching with the right-hand panel.

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