
Assign Roles

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Use this API to assign or modify roles for the specified user in the App.

  • API: {URL}/docube/api/app/{appgroup_name}/{app_name}/updateRoles
  • API Type: POST
  • Authentication Type: Token- Based Authentication
  • Request API Body:

    “name”: “username”,
    “rolesToAdd”: [Roles to be added],
    “rolesToRemove”: [Roles to be removed]

  • Sample API Body:
    • Adds DESIGNER role for user John Smith.

      “name”: “John Smith”,
      “rolesToAdd”: [ “DESIGNER” ],
      “rolesToRemove”: []

    • Removes DESIGNER role for user John Smith.

      “name”: “John Smith”,
      “rolesToAdd”: [ ],
      “rolesToRemove”: [“DESIGNER” ]

    • Adds Release Role and removes Support role for user John Smith.

      “name”: “John Smith”,
      “rolesToAdd”: [ “Release” ],
      “rolesToRemove”: [“Support” ]

To view all the APIs, click here.

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