Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022
Use this API to query records in Jiffy Table.
Sample API Body:
{ “selectQuery”: { “distinct”: < Column Name >,# to get the distinct values of a column with/without “nestedWhere” conditinos applied “totalCount”: <true/false>, # to get the number of records with/without conditions applied “offset”: <Number>, # number of records to offset(skip) from the result “limit”: <Number>, # to limit the number of records “projection”:[<Column A>, <Column B>] # to display only Column A and Column B in the result “nestedWhere”: { “condition”: { “conditions”: [ { “lhs”: <Column Name>, “operator”: <Operator>, “rhs”: { “type”: <Type>, “value”: <Value> } }, { “lhs”: <Column Name>, “operator”: <Operator>, “rhs”: { “type”: <Type>, “value”: <Value> } } ], “combineBy”: <or/and> # to combine the results of above operations } }, “orderBy”: [ { “column”: <Column Name>, “order”: <ASC/DESC> # to sort the column in ascending or descending order } ] } }
Ensure that the offset and limit are blank to get the totalCount.
Sample Query
{ "selectQuery": { "offset": 0;, "limit": 10;, "nestedWhere": { "condition": { "conditions": [ { "lhs": CreatedBy, "operator": "NOT_EQUAL", "rhs": { "type": "string", "value": "JohnSmith" } } { "lhs": UpdatedBy, "operator": "NOT_EQUAL", "rhs": { "type": "string", "value": "JohnSmith" } } ], "combineBy": and } }, "orderBy": [ { "column": "UpdatedDate" "order": "DESC" } ] }
Following are the operators for nestedWhere conditions.
The following Types are supported for the values that can be queried.
To view all the APIs, click here.