
App Settings

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


You can edit the App Details and User Roles of the HyperApp on the App Settings page.

Click the icon in the menu to navigate to App Settings page.

The App Details with App Name, App Description, App Image, and User Roles of the HyperApp are displayed.

Edit App Details

To edit the App Details:

  1. Click the icon to make the fields editable.
  2. Edit the App Name and App Description as required.
  3. To edit the App Image, click the icon on the image and select an image to upload from the file explorer window that opens.
  4. Click the SAVE button.

Add Custom Role

You can create custom User Roles, in addition to the Default User Roles present in, based on the automation needs.

In a Leave Application HyperApp, you may need Approver and Requestor roles.

To add a Custom Role, do the following:

  1. In the User Roles tab, click the + icon. Create User Role tab appears.
  2. Specify the following details:
    • New User Role: Name of the user role to be created.
    • Select Presentations: Select one or more presentations that the user role can have access to.
      When a user is assigned this Custom Role, he would have access only to the presentations that are added here.
  3. Click the CREATE button. The created User Role gets listed under User Roles. You can use the button to edit and to delete the Custom role.
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