
Date Expressions

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Functions Description Inputs Example
Extract Second Extracts the value of seconds from the
column value
No inputs Extract Second()
Extracts 01
from the column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Minute Extracts the value of minutes from the
column value
No inputs Extract Minute()
Extracts 30 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Hour Extracts the value of hour from the
column value
No inputs Extract Hour()
Extracts 18 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Day Extracts the value of day from the
column value
No inputs Extract Day()
Extracts 28 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Day Of Week Extracts the number of day of the week
from the column value
No inputs Extract Day Of Week()
Extracts 6 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Week Extracts the number of week of the year from the
column value
No inputs Extract Week()
Extracts 13 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Day Of Year Extracts the number of day of the year
from the column value
No inputs Extract Day Of Year()
Extracts 87 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Month Extracts the number of month from the column value No inputs Extract Month()
Extracts 3 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Quarter Extracts the number of quarter
from the column value
No inputs Extract Quarter()
Extracts 1 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Year Extracts the value of year from the
column value
No inputs Extract Year()
Extracts 2021 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Week Year Extracts the year and the number of
week of the year from the column value
No inputs Extract Week Year()
Extracts 2021-13 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Quarter Year Extracts the year and the number of quarter from the column value No inputs Extract Quarter Year()
Extracts 2021-01 from the
column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
Extract Month Year Extracts the year and the number of month from the column value No inputs Extract Month Year()
Extracts 2021-03 from the column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
To String Convert the column value to a string length: Length of the string To String(5)
Converts June1981 to June1
Expression Add an Expression ExpressionString:
The expression to be added
Date Difference Extracts the difference between the
column value and today’s date in
terms of the intervals selected
Select $Today in the first drop-down

Select Interval: Select the interval
in terms of Years, Months, Weeks,
Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds
Custom Date Difference Extracts the difference between the
column value and the specified date
in terms of the intervals selected
endDate: Specify the date to find the difference

Select Interval: Select the interval
in terms of Years, Months, Weeks,
Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds
Date Add Adds the specified date to the column value Specify the Years, Months, Weeks,
Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds
to add to the column value
Date Sub Subtracts the specified date from the
column value
Specify the Years, Months, Weeks,
Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds to subtract from the column value
Extract Date Extracts the value of date from the
column value
No inputs Extract Second()
Extracts 28 from the column value
28-March-2021 18:30:01
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