
Math Expressions

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Functions Description Inputs Example
Abs Return the absolute value No inputs Abs()
Converts the column value
-7.8 to 7.8
Add Add a number to the column value number: Number to be added Add(5)
Adds 5 to the column data
Ceil Round a number upward to its
nearest integer
No inputs Ceil()
Converts the column value
7.8 to 8
Divide Divide the column value with the specified number number: Number to divide with Div(2)
Divides the column data with 2
Exp Returs E raised to the power of the column value No inputs
Floor Round a number down to its
nearest integer
No inputs Floor()
Converts the column value
7.8 to 7
Ln Return the natural logarithm of
the column value
No inputs
Log10 Return the base-10 logarithm of
the column value
No inputs
Mod Returns the remainder when the
column value is divided by the given number
number: Number to divide with Mod(2)
Converts the column value
11 to 1
Multiply Multiply the column value with
the specified number
number: Number to multiply with Multiply(2)
Multiplies the column data
with 2
Negative Converts the column value to
a negative number
No inputs Negative()
Converts the column value
2 to -2
Round Rounds up the column value,
with the specified number of decimals
Decimal Places: Number of
digits up to which the
number is to be rounded
Converts the column value
0.3010299956 to 0.30
Pow Returns the column value raised to the
power of the specified number
power: The exponent to raise the power Pow(2)
Return the value of 4 to the
power of 2, ie., converts the column value 4 to 16
Sqrt Returns the square root of the column value No inputs
Subtract Subtracts the column value with the specified number number: Number to be subtracted Subtract(5)
Subtracts 5 from the column data
Radians Converts the column value to radians No inputs
Sign Returns an element-wise indication of the
sign of the column value
No inputs Sign()
  • Returns 1 if the column value is positive
  • Returns -1 if the column value is negative
To String Convert the column value to a string length: Length of the string To String(5)
Converts June1981 to June1
Expression Add an Expression ExpressionString:
The expression to be added
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