
Create SQL Dataset

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


You can create an SQL Dataset in two ways; either through the graphical user interface or by writing the Query.

  1. Click the + icon on the Datasets page and select the SQL Dataset option. 
    An SQL Editor screen opens which has all the existing Datasets in the HyperApp listed on the left panel and a Query Editor on the right panel with a blank screen guiding you with a sample query. Image description

Create using Graphical User Interface

  1. Click on any of the listed Datasets. A default query Select * from ‘dataset name’ displays all the records in the selected Dataset.

    select * from ‘InventoryTable’

    The data from the selected dataset is displayed in a tabular format.

    In the above example, the records in InventoryTable table is displayed.

    Image description

  2. Click the Image description icon to publish the dataset.

Create by Writing Query

  1. Click the Image description icon to write query in SQL Query Editor.

    select * from ‘ProductInventory’ where Quantity < ‘600’

  2. Click the Image description icon to execute the query. 
    Dataset is modified based on the query and displayed in tabular format .

    In the above example, the records in ProductInventory table with Quantity less than 600 is displayed.

    Image description
  3. Click the Image description icon to publish the dataset.


Once the required data is achieved as per the requirements, click the Image description icon to publish the Dataset. You can use the published dataset in further Task Automation.

  1. Enter the name of the dataset in the Datasheet Name field.
  2. Click the PUBLISH button to save the records as a new SQL Dataset.

Image description

This newly created SQL dataset with the manipulated data is published and listed in the Datasets listing page.

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