
Send Message

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Use this function to post a given message to the provided channel.


Send Message (token, channel_id, text)


Input Parameter Name Description
token Authentication token
channel_id ID of the channel to post the message
text The message to be posted

  • To know more about token, click here.
  • To view the Channel ID, right click on the channel name in the left menu and select Copy link in Slack. Paste in a text editor, the URL is of the format: https://<Slack URL>/<Channel ID>.


Return Value Description
  • On Success returns 1 | Timestamp(ts) of message
  • On Failure returns 0 | Error Message


Send Message (xoxp-12QWERT, ABC123, Hello)

  • Uses token xoxp-12QWERT to authenticate connection to Slack, send the message Hello to channel with ID ABC123.
    Returns the Timestamp of the sent message.

To view all the Slack functions, click here.

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