
Insert Column

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Use this function to insert an empty column at the given index positions in a worksheet.


Insert Column (id_or_url, sheet_name_or_index , start_index, end_index, inherit_from_before, private_key, cient_email)


Input Parameter Name Description
id_or_url ID or URL of Google Sheet
sheet_name_or_index Name or index of worksheet
start_index Start index of a column
end_index End index of a column
inherit_from_before Allowed inputs are:
  • True: Inherit properties from the previous column
    (In this case, the start index must be greater than 0)
  • False: inherit properties of next column
private_key Private key of the service account
client_email Email ID of the service account


Return Value Description
  • On Success returns 1, Columns inserted successfully
  • On Failure returns 0, Error Message


Insert Column (ABC123, Invoice, 2, 5, True, —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—–\nABCD\n—–END PRIVATE KEY—–,

  • Uses the private key —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—–\nABCD\n—–END PRIVATE KEY—– to connect to the Email ID, accesses the sheet Invoice using the ID ABC123 and inserts the columns 2 to 5 with the properties of the column 1.
    Returns Columns inserted successfully on inserting the columns.

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