


The following functions can be used for File operations:

Functions Description
Does Exists Finds if a file exists in the given path
CopyFile Copies the source file to the given destination path
Copy Folder Copies the source folder to the given destination path
CreateFolder Creates folder in the given folder path
Create Folder (Dep.) Creates folder in the given folder path
Delete Files Delete files in the given file path
DeleteFolder Deletes folder from the specified path
Download File Downloads file from the given URL
File Explorer Fetches a table of files and their associated properties in a given folder
Get Extension Finds extension of the input file
Get File Size Uses this function to find the size of the input file
Join Paths Joins the given folder paths
Move File Moves the input file from the source location to desitnation folder
Move folder Moves the source folder to the given destination path
Delete the File Deletes the given input file
Unzip (Dep.) Uses this function to unzip the provided file and extract the files inside a zip folder
Unzip File Extracts the zip file in the given path into the given destination directory
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