
Syntax for Filters

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


The filters to be applied on are listed below.

Filter Operator Example
Greater than GT or gt
  • Col1 GT 100
  • Col2 gt abc
In IN or in
  • Col1 IN [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Col2 in [ab,cd,ef,gh]
Not in NIN or nin
  • Col1 NIN [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Col2 nin [ab,cd,ef,gh]
List Has LHS or lhs
  • Col1 LHS abc
  • Col1 lhs pqr
Not equal NE or ne
  • Col13 NE 2345
  • Col14 ne 2345
Less than LT or lt
  • Col3 LT pqr
  • Col4 lt 123
Greater than or equal GTE or gte
  • Col5 GTE 100
  • Col6 gte abc
Less than or equal LTE or lte
  • Col7 LTE xyz
  • Col8 lte 2345
Equal EQ or eq
  • Col9 EQ xyz
  • Col10 eq xyz
Is IS or is
  • Col11 IS 2345
  • Col12 is 2345
Has HS or hs
  • Col9 HS xyz
  • Col10 hs xyz
Like LK or lk
  • Col11 LK 2345
  • Col12 lk 2345
Not Has NHS or nhs
  • Col9 NHS xyz
  • Col10 nhs xyz
Not Like NLK or nlk
  • Col11 NLK 2345
  • Col12 nlk 2345

Condition Operator Example
And AND or and
  • Col1 LHS abc AND Col2 EQ pqr
  • Col1 LHS abc and Col2 EQ pqr
Or OR or or
  • Col1 LHS abc OR Col2 EQ pqr
  • Col1 LHS abc or Col2 EQ pqr
  • Use Filter operators and combine operators either in all uppercase or all lowercase letters separated by a space.
  • Use parenthesis for nested filters.
  • Use %20 to indicate space in column name or values to be filtered.


  • Execution%20State EQ New

  • Execution%20State IS In%20Progress OR Execution%20State IS Completed

  • ModifiedBy LK User1 OR ModifiedBy IS User2 AND ( Col1 HS abc OR Col2 IN [1, 2, 3] )

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