


The following functions can be used for Mathematical operations:

Functions Description
Absolute Value Returns absolute value of a number
Add(Dep.) Find the sum of the two input values
List Sum Add all the numbers in the list given as input and returns the sum
Decrement Value (Dep.) Decrement the value by 1
Get Discount Percentage (Dep.) Find the percentage of discount in the given cost price
Get Factorial Returns the factorial of the input number
Increment Value (Dep.) Increment the value by 1
Get Loss Percentage (Dep.) Find the percentage of loss in the cost price
Get Percentage Returns the percentage of value in the total
Get Profit Percentage (Dep.) Find percentage of profit in the cost price
Random Number Generator Generate random number within the given range
Subtract(Dep.) Find the difference of the input values
Sum Find the sum of the two input values
Difference Find the difference of the input values
Divide Returns one number divided by another
Quotient Returns quotient of dividend divided by divisor
Mod Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation.
Product Multiply numbers given as input and returns the product
List Product Multiply the numbers present in list given as input and returns the product
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