
Select Data from Jiffy Table


Use this function to extract data from Jiffy table.


Select data from jiffy table (Jiffy_table_name, Column_name, Offset, Count)


Input Parameter Name Description
Jiffy_table_name Name of Jiffy Table
Column_name Define the columns needs to be extracted as a Table Definition and pass that DataTable Variable name
Offset Row Number to start select from. If offset is given as zero, it fetches all rows. If the offset is given as 10, it fetches from row number 10.
Count Total number of records to be extracted


Return value Description
Table Returns the table of records as DataTable variable


Select data from jiffy table(Branches, BranchName, 5, 10)

  • Extracts 10 records from the Jiffy Table Branches starting from 5th record into the DataTable Branchname.

To view all the Table functions, click here.

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