


The following functions can be used for Text operations:

Functions Description
Capitalize Capitalizes the first character of the input string
Concat Concatenates the two strings
Contains Checks if the search string is present in the input string
Ends With Checks if the input string ends with the search string
Extract Alphanumeric Characters Gets the alphanumeric characters (either an alphabet or a number) from the input string
Get Character At Gets the character from the String at the given index
Get User Gets Username of the Bot machine
Index Of Gets the first index of the search string in the input string
Is Alpha Checks if all the characters in the input string are alphabets
Is AlphaNumeric Checks if all the characters in the input string are alphanumeric
Is Lowercase Checks that all the alphabets in the input string are in lowercase
Is Number Checks that all the characters in the input string are digits
Is UpperCase Checks that all the alphabets in the input string are in uppercase
Last Index Of Gets the last index of the search string in the input string
Length Gets the length of the input string
Replace Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring in the input string
Slice (Dep.) Slices the input string
Split As List Splits input string at the specified delimiter
Starts With Checks if the input string starts with the given search string
Strip Spaces Removes all adjacent white spaces in the input string into a single space
Substring Gets a new string that is a substring of the input string
To Lowercase Converts all the characters of the input string to lowercase
To Uppercase Converts all the characters of the input string to uppercase
Trim Removes all the whitespace from both sides of the input string
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