
Email Actions

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Email Actions node is used to perform actions on emails, such as update subject, move email to a specific folder, mark email as read, and mark email as unread based on the inputs provided.

The actions are performed on the email that is mapped to the node.

Configuration for Email Actions node

  1. Click the Email Actions node to open the attributes pane.
  2. Specify the Configuration for Email Actions node.

The configuration setup is the same for all Email nodes.

Mapping Inputs to Email Actions node

To perform the actions, Map the inputs to the Email Actions node:

  1. Click the link connecting the preceding node and Email Actions node.
  2. Map the UID of the browsed email.

    The Type of Mapping for UID is always XPath. By default, Easy is selected.

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  3. Select the action to perform from the right-hand panel and click Element Map button.
  4. Enter the input parameters in the What to get? field and press Enter. The input parameters to be provided for the different actions are:
    1. UpdateSubject: The subject to be updated to.
    2. MoveTo: The destination folder to move the email.

      The folder must be created before executing the task.

    3. MarkAsRead: The Boolean value True.
    4. MarkAsUread: The Boolean value True. Image description

Actions Supported by Different Protocols

Actions IMAP(S) Exchange Graph
Update Subject No Yes Yes
MoveTo Yes Yes Yes
MarkAsRead Yes Yes Yes
MarkAsUnread Yes Yes Yes

Properties of the Email Actions node

  1. Navigate to the Properties tab and enter Name and Description.
  2. Enable Continue even without match? and Mark run Failure on Node Fail options as required.

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Result of Execution in Email Actions node

After executing the task, the Result of Execution window displays the following tabs:

  • Input: The details of the email action performed are displayed in XML format.
  • Output: The message Email actions are applied successfully is displayed.
  • Run Info: The Run Details and Configuration Details are displayed.
    • Run Details: Run Details include Run ID, Sequence Number, Iteration ID, and Total Node Execution Time (in seconds).
    • Configuration Details: Configuration Details include Configuration Name, Incoming Protocol, Incoming server, Outgoing Protocol, Outgoing server, Username, and Config Level.

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