
Email Browser

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


Email Browser node is used to browse an email based on the specified conditions.

The browsed email and its attachments can be downloaded as needed.

Configuration for Email Browser node

  1. Click the Email Browser node to open the attributes pane.
  2. In the Configurations tab, specify Configuration Name.
  3. Select either Jiffy server or Cluster for Run on from the drop-down.
  4. Enter the following details:
    • Username: Email ID to connect to.
    • Password: Password of the email ID.
    • Incoming protocol: Protocol to use for the incoming email.
    • Incoming Server: Server to use for the incoming email.
    • Outgoing protocol: Protocol to use for the outgoing email.
    • Outgoing Server: Server to use for the incoming email.

For Gmail:

  • Incoming protocol: imaps
  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing protocol: smtp
  • Outgoing server:

For Outlook:
If Exchange Server uses IMAPS Protocol:

  • Incoming protocol: imaps
  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing protocol: smtp
  • Outgoing server:

If Exchange Server uses Exchange(EWS) Protocol:
  • Incoming protocol: EWS
  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing protocol: EWS
  • Outgoing server:

For MS365(Graph):

  • Incoming Authorityand Outgoing Authority: followed by the Domain Name.
    For example,
  • Incoming Client ID and Outgoing Client ID: Register an App and note the ClientID. Click here to know more.

Image description

  1. Click the VALIDATE button to test if connection is successful.
  2. Once the connection is validated successfully, click the SAVE button to create the configuration.

The configuration setup is the same for all Email nodes.

Design the Action steps of Email Browser node

The conditions based on which the emails need to be browsed are specified in the Actions tab.

To specify the conditions, do the following: Image description

  1. Click the + icon to add a condition.
  2. Select fields based on which email needs to be browsed in drop-down (1).
  3. Select operator for the condition in drop-down (2).
  4. Click on field (3) to specify input for the condition.
  5. Select whether the input is Constant, Variable, or an Expression in drop-down (4).
    1. Constant: Provide input text for the condition in field (5).
    2. Variable: Select input variable in field (5).
    3. Expression: Provide expression in field (5).
      Click the Image description icon to edit expression in the Build your expression here window.
      1. Enter expression in the Editor.
      2. Select which group the expression belongs to in the Function Groups drop-down.
      3. You can also use existing expressions in the selected Function Group that are listed in the Methods field. Image description
      4. Click the Image description icon to close the window.
  6. Use the
    1. Image description icon to add a new condition.
    2. Image description icon to delete a condition.
    3. Image description icon to add a nested condition.
  7. Select All or Any option in drop-down (6). By default, All option is selected.
    1. Select All option if email to be browsed has to meet all the specified conditions in the Actions tab.
    2. Select Any option if the email to be browsed can meet any of the specified conditions in the Actions tab.

  • To browse for an email sent by and with the word Invoice in the subject, select All option.
  • To browse for an email either sent by or with the word Invoice in the subject, select the Any option.
Image description

Properties of the Email Browser node

  1. Navigate to the Properties tab and enter Name and Description.
  2. Enable Continue even without match? and Mark run Failure on Node Fail options as required.
  3. Provide the following General Properties:
    • Search in Folder: Folder to search the email.

      Specify the subfolders in the format: Folder/Subfolder

    • Search in Order: Order to search the email. This can be either Latest first or Earliest first.
    • Download Email: Toggle ON, to download the email to the Jiffy server in .eml format.
    • Wait for email: Add a wait time to browse for the email.
    • Timeout (seconds): Maximum time in seconds the node must wait before time out.
    • Interval (seconds): Maximum time in seconds the node must wait before it browses for the email again.
    • Write Email to Table: Toggle ON, to save details of the email to a Jiffy Table.
    • Select Table: Select the Jiffy Table to save details of the email.

      The Jiffy Table selected to save the details of email must be created with Email or Email With Attachment schema.

  4. Provide the following Advanced Properties:
    • Download Attachments: Toggle ON, to download attachments in the email to the Jiffy server.
    • Write Attachment to Table: Toggle ON, to save the details of the attachment to a Jiffy Table.
      • Inline Table or Not: Toggle ON, if Jiffy Table selected in the Select Table drop-down of Write Email to Table is of the Email With Attachment schema.

        Details of email and attachment are saved in the same table with Attachments as an Inline Table.

      • Select Table: Select Jiffy table to save the details of attachment.

        The Jiffy Table selected to save the details of attachment must be created with EmailAttachment schema.

        Image description

        In case of multiple attachments in the email, details are stored in the attachmentTable[] DataTable. This can be mapped to the succeeding nodes in the task or download the attachments as required.

Properties Supported By Different Protocols

Properties IMAP(S) Exchange Graph
Search in Folder Yes Yes Yes
Search in Default folders other than Inbox No Yes Yes
Search in User created folders Yes Yes Yes
Search in Sub-folder Yes Yes Yes
Search Order (Latest/ Earliest) Yes Yes Yes
Shared Email NA Yes Yes
Download Email Yes Yes Yes
Download Attachments Yes Yes Yes
Wait for Email Yes Yes Yes
UID search of emails Yes Yes Yes
All parameters in the Action like From, To, Cc … Yes Yes Yes

Result of Execution in Email Browser node

After executing the task, the Result of Execution window displays the following tabs:

  • Input: The input variables that are mapped to the node are displayed.
  • Output: The details of the email browsed are displayed in XML format. Image description
  • Run Info: The Run Details and Configuration Details are displayed.
    • Run Details: Run Details include Run ID, Sequence Number, Iteration ID, and Total Node Execution Time (in seconds).
    • Configuration Details: Configuration Details include Configuration Name, Incoming Protocol, Incoming server, Outgoing Protocol, Outgoing server, Username, and Config Level.
  • Formatted Output: The table consisting of the details of the attachments in the email. Image description
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