
Presentation - Best Practices


  1. Design the Presentations keeping the target audience in mind. It should be clear and understandable to the target audience.
  2. Provide a meaningful title for the Presentation and all the Charts within the Presentation.
  3. Select the appropriate type of Chart based on the data being plotted and the information you desire to convey. It should make the data easier to understand and present it in the most accurate way.
  4. Provide appropriate labels for the x-axis and y-axis. Ensure labels are visible and easily identified with the corresponding data point.
  5. Order the data intuitively and consistently.
  6. Add suitable components to make the Presentation more meaningful and readable. Use legends when adding multiple components in the Chart. Use the appropriate component properties to make the Presentation visually appealing.
  7. Make use of color in the Chart to effectively communicate important information about your data. Use suitable font and color that do not detract the user from the intended meaning.
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