
Email Automation

Last Updated: Feb 14, 2022


The following sample task is created using the Email Browser, If, Email Sender, Else, and EndIf nodes to automate the following process:

  • Browsing Emails from the specified Email address
  • If an Email is received from a specified user, for example (John), an automatic reply is sent to the user that says, “Thanks for the quick response”.
  • Else, an Email is sent to the specified user (John) requesting for the response as soon as possible.

Before automating any task, the user must refer to the Tasks section for a basic understanding on the following details:

  • How to create a task
  • Various options available in the Task Design screen.

Do the following to automate the above process:

  1. In the Task Design screen, click on the << icon present on the right-hand side toolbar to expand the Nodes section.
  2. Drag and drop the Email Browser, If, Email Sender, Else, and EndIf nodes respectively from the Nodes section and align them in the following order: Image description

    Make sure that the Task Design screen is in Edit mode (the Edit button is highlighted in green colour).

  3. Double-click on the Email Browser node.
  4. Select any existing configuration if it matches the criteria of the user or create a new configuration. Refer to Setting up Email Configuration section for more details. Image description
  5. Click on the Properties tab and select the INBOX option from the Search in folder list box. Refer to the Email Properties section for more details. Image description
  6. Click on the Actions tab. Image description
    1. The Email is browsed based on the conditions specified in the Actions tab.
    2. Select the All option from the list box (1).
    3. Click on the + icon and select the FROM option from the list box (2).
    4. Select the has option from the list box (3).
    5. Select the Constant option from the list box (4).
    6. Type the required name, for example: John.
    7. Click on the Close icon.
  7. Click on the mapping line between Email Browser node and If node. Select the status field and then click on the ADD button. Image description
  8. Double-click on the If node. Image description
    1. Select the All option from the list box (6) and then select the + icon.
    2. Select the V (variable) option and then select the status option from the list box (7).
    3. Select the == option from the list box (8).
    4. Select the V (variable) option and then type PASS (9).

      The above process indicates that if the status is PASS which means there exists an Email from John, If node is executed and a required Email will be sent using Email Sender node.

  9. Double-click on the mapping line between If node and Email Sender node.
  10. Select the following fields one-by-one from the left-hand side section: Image description
    1. /Message/TO/Address/@email
    2. /Message/Subject/TEXT
    3. /Message/Body/TEXT
  11. In the What to get? Column, type the Email address to which an Email must be sent, type the Subject of the Email, type the body text.
  12. Click on the Close icon.
  13. Double-click on the Email Sender node.
  14. Select the required existing configuration.

    The Email will be sent based on the details provided in the configuration.

    Image description
  15. Double-click on the mapping line between If node and Email Sender node.
  16. Select the following fields one-by-one from the left-hand side section: Image description
    1. /Message/TO/Address/@email
    2. /Message/Subject/TEXT
    3. /Message/Body/TEXT
  17. In the What to get? Column, type the Email address to which an Email must be sent, type the Subject of the Email, type the body text.
  18. Click on the Close icon.
  19. Click on the Save icon and then click on the Trail run icon. Image description

    In the above example, there exists an Email from John and an automatic reply is sent.

    Image description
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