Last Updated: Mar 10, 2022
The following Jiffy versions can do a direct upgrade to version 4.6.5.
Name | Version | Type | Description |
jiffy-playbook.tar.gz | 4.6.5 | Ansible playbook | Ansible scripts which does the upgrade |
jiffy-upgrade.tar.gz | 4.6.5 | Compressed tar | Jiffy core artifacts | | 4.6.5 | Helm charts | Helm charts for container deployments |
Name | Tag | HELM Chart Changes | Description |
backward-compatibility-engine | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-BackwardCompatibilityEngine4423Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
bolcategory | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-vendorcategorisation_8723Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
bolml | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-T4.3.014423Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
docsplit | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-DocumentSplit_3124Feb22 | Yes | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
functionator | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-194 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
handwritingsegmentation | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-HWSegmentaion_8828Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
invoicecategory | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-T4.3.014423Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
invoiceml | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-T4.3.014423Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
pdf2image | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-Pdf2Image_4523Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
pdf2json-service | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-Pdf2JsonService_8608Mar22 | Yes | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
pdfsplit | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-Pdfsplit_4823Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
portfolio | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-Portfolio_23423Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
template-converter | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-152 | Yes | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
w2ml | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-w2ml_6223Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
w2split | JARVIS-MAIN-4.6-W2Split_8123Feb22 | No | Container images and Helm charts for kubernetes deployment |
ssh -i {private key} {username}@{IP address or hostname of DB server}
ssh {username}@{IP address or hostname of DB server}
ps -ef | grep mongo
systemctl status postgresql-12
telnet {dburl} {dbport}
- mkdir -p /tmp/jiffy-install/helm/
- cd /tmp/jiffy-install/helm/
- wget --user {username} --ask-password
- cd /tmp/jiffy-install/
- wget --user {username} --ask-password
- wget --user {username} --ask-password
- tar -xf jiffy-playbook.tar.gz
- tar -xf jiffy-upgrade.tar.gz -C /tmp/jiffy-install/upgrade/
application stop all
- pg_dump -h {DB hostname} -p 5432 {jiffy schema name} -U {username} | gzip > {filename.gz}
- pg_dump -h {DB hostname} -p 5432 {gus schema name} -U {username} | gzip > {filename.gz}
Command will prompt for DB admin password.mongodump --ssl --host {MongoDB hostname} --port 27017 --sslPEMKeyFile {Keyfile} --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --authenticationDatabase admin -u admin --out {filename.dump}
Connect to jiffy core server as Linux user.
This step will cover code backup, in case to roll back to previously installed version.
source {mountpoint}/jiffy/.envs/ansibleEnv/bin/activate
For debug mode
- cd /tmp/jiffy-install/
- ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml
For detailed debug mode:ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v
ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv
source {mountpoint}/jiffy/.envs/ansibleEnv/bin/activate
For debug mode:ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml
For detailed debug mode:ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -v
ansible-playbook pre-upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -e @variable.yml -vvvv
source {mountpoint}/jiffy/.envs/ansibleEnv/bin/activate
For debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml
For detailed debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -v
For sudo and ssh password prompt add -kK options along with run command:ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -vvvv
ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -kK
chown -R {jiffyapp linux user}:{jiffyapp linux user} /tmp/{jiffy-install}
source {mountpoint}/jiffy/.envs/ansibleEnv/bin/activate
For debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml
For detailed debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -v
ansible-playbook upgrade/non-root.yml -i inventory -l core -e @variable.yml -vvvv
without masterkey prompt:ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -l core -e @variable.yml
ansible-playbook jiffyconfiguration.yml -l core -e masterKey='{replaceme}' -e @variable.yml
During this upgrade, ulimits value is modified on the DB server.
For debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l db -e @variable.yml
For detailed debug mode:ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l db -e @variable.yml -v
ansible-playbook upgrade/root.yml -i inventory -l db -e @variable.yml -vvvv
- cd /tmp/jiffy-install/helm
- chmod 777
- namespace(n)=jiffy-cognitive
- replicacount(r)=1
- mountpoint(m)=/opt
helm uninstall docplit -n {namespace}
./ -n {namespace} -c {clusterDNS|mandatory} -r {replicacount} -m {mountpoint}
Restart Nginx:
Nginx on core server has to be restarted by user with elevated privileges.
- /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
- /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx
Verify Connectors:
Post upgrade, ensure $JIFFY_HOME/deploy/jiffy/src/connectors/ folder has only the below mentioned files.
As jiffy application user, execute the below commands to modify/apply DRILL_MEMORY parameters.
Verify the DRILL_MAX_HEAP_MEMORY on the drill configuration file.
- #!/bin/bash
- sed -i 's/^#export DRILL_HEAP=${DRILL_HEAP:-"4G"}/export DRILL_HEAP=${DRILL_HEAP:-"8G"}/g' $DOCUBE_HOME/apache-drill-1.17.0/conf/
cat $DOCUBE_HOME/apache-drill-1.17.0/conf/
cat $JIFFY_HOME/productversion.txt
cat $JIFFY_HOME/data/client/setup/version.txt
supervisorctl status
kubectl get pods -n {namespace}
vault status