

Last Updated: Nov 26, 2021


To support delivery of our Services, Paanini, Inc. ( may engage and use data processors with access to certain Customer Data. This page provides important information about the identity, location, and role of each Sub-processor. Terms used on this page but not defined have the meaning set out in the Customer Subscription Agreement or a superseding written agreement between the Customer and currently uses the following third-party Sub-processors to provide infrastructure services and customer support/communication.

Infrastructure Sub-processor uses the following Sub-processors to host Customer Data or provide other infrastructure that helps with delivery of the services:

Entity Name Sub-processing Activity Entity Country
Amazon Web Services, Inc Cloud Hosting Service United States

Other Sub-processors may use the following Sub-processors to provide customer support/communication:

Entity Name Sub-processing Activity Entity Country
Google Workspace Email Service and Meet India
Atlassian Inc Customer Service Desk and Support United States, Inc. In-app communications United States
Zoho Corporation Customer relationship India
Zoom Conference Calling United States
Microsoft Teams Communication Services India

As the business grows and evolves, the Sub-processors engaged may also change. will notify customers of any changes to the Sub-processors to the extent required under the Agreement, and the update = “2021-11-26”s will be posted here.

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