The Root Admin can modify the values of the existing global variables in the Server Settings screen.
The following fields are displayed on the General panel of the Server Settings page.
- Jiffy Task Max Time Limit: Execution time for a single task. If a task execution is not finished within this specified time, the task execution is stopped automatically.
- Jiffy long task threshold: The default execution time (1800 seconds) of the task in design mode is displayed. If the specified execution time is exceeded, the task fails to execute.
- JFS Store Archive Period: Retention period when a task uploads a file/image/document to the server.
- Default Polling Delay: This is the default time delay after which the next child task is triggered upon the successful execution of the previous child task.
- Minimum Polling Delay: This is the minimum time delay after which the next child task is triggered upon the successful execution of the previous child task. This value is set to 15 seconds by default.
- Delay For Subtask: Default time for subtask node to perform the next iteration when used in the task. This can be changed in the Properties section while designing a task using the Subtask node.
- DB Row Limit: Number of rows that can be fetched by default when a single query is executed.
- Password Min Length: Minimum length of the password.
- Max Login Attempts: Number of unsuccessful attempts to log in to after which the account gets locked.
The following fields are displayed on the Email panel of the Server Settings screen.
- Enable Email: To enable the link to reset the password for the Tenant Admin. This can be set to True or False using the respective radio buttons.
- Email Host: This is set based on the Email server being used. For example, Gmail - smtp, Office - imaps.
- Email Password: Password set for the default ID created in
the Email host user field.
- When the lock icon is in the unlocked state, the desired value for the email password must be provided manually.
- When the lock icon is in the locked state, the value for the email password must be selected from the Secure vault keys.
- Do the following to add a Secure Vault key:
- Click the + icon in the Add Secure Key option.
- In the Add Secure Data dialog box that appears, specify the following details:
- Secure Key: Type the name of the Secure key to be created.
- CyberArk: If the CyberArk settings are enabled for this environment, the user must turn on the CyberArk toggle button.
- Value: Enter a secure password for this key. The provided value is represented as ***** so that the secret data is not visible to the user.
- Confirm Value: Type the secure password again that is provided in the Value field.
- Description: This field allows the user to give a short description of the key that is being created.
- Click on the SAVE button.
- Select the added value from the drop-down.
- Email Use TLS:
- When the True radio button is selected, the email is sent through a secured channel (TLS).
- When the False radio button is selected, the email is sent without using TLS.
- Email Port: This is set based on the Email server being used. For example, Gmail - 587.
- Email Host User: The UserID created in the mail server to get email updates from the server. For example, admin or group mail ID.
- Send Email on Execution: Sends an email alert after each task execution. This can be set to True or False using the respective radio buttons.
- TEST CONNECTION: There will be a facility of Test connection for email configuration for both Root Admin and Tenant Admin. Clicking on the TEST CONNECTION option, an email will be sent to the person who is performing the configuration.
- If the Test Connection is successful, then the Test Connection is successful. Please check your mailbox for the mail received. message is displayed.
- If the Test Connection fails, then the Test Connection is failed. Please check the email settings configured. message is displayed.
Edit Server Settings
Default values for these fields are set during the installation. To change the values, do the following:
- Click on the Edit icon on the top right corner of the screen.
- Do the required modifications.
- Click on the SAVE button to save the modifications.