
Developer Bots


The Developer Bots are provided to perform the following actions in the developer’s desktop:

  1. For familiarization of any application using the Floating window of UI Learn
  2. To execute the tasks from design canvas (Trial Run).

The Start, Stop, and Delete icons that are provided against each Bot are in disabled state for Developer Bots.

Developer Bots can be differentiated from Execution Bots as they are indicated with a icon.

  • Bot Name: The Developer Bot name is the same as the Jiffy Username who is executing the task.
  • Action buttons: The Start/Stop, Delete, and Edit icons will be in disabled state under the Actions column present in the Execution Bots dashboard. This means that the user is not allowed to start/stop, delete or modify the developer Bots from the Execution Bots dashboard.
  • Status: The Status of the Developer Bots have the following values:
    • At Rest: The Bot and the Windows services are started but no tasks are currently being executed.
    • Running: The Bot and the Windows services are started. Tasks associated with the Bot are getting executed.

Bot Status in Detail

This table provides the details of the Bot status and the enabled/disabled state of various buttons provided against each Developer Bot:

Bot Status Start / Stop Edit Delete Tooltip
At Rest No No No No task is running
Running No No No No tooltip but info icon with the status of tasks executing

Start/Stop Procedure

  1. Click on the Bot Manager icon from the Taskbar. Image description
  2. Click on the Start Developer Bot option. Image description
  3. In the Developer Bot dialog box that appears, specify the following details: Image description
    • Jiffy URL: This field is auto-populated with the URL of the Jiffy service running on the machine.
    • Jiffy Username: Username of the user.
    • Jiffy Password: Password of the user.
  4. When the login credentials are authenticated the console window appears.
  5. To stop the Bot, click on the Stop Developer Bot option in the Bot Manager options.

Client Version Upgrade

The Upgrade version button provided near the version details in the Execution Bots dashboard is always disabled by default as the upgrade must be performed only by using the Check for updates option from the Bot Manager menu. The Bot will not start until the version numbers of both client and the server matches. 

The client machine must be restarted after the client version upgrade is completed.

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