

The Tenant Admin can perform the Application settings for the following sections:

LDAP Settings

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an internet protocol that is used to access information from directories.

Upon clicking on the accordion of the LDAP Settings, the details of the LDAP server that were added while logging in will be listed.

Edit LDAP Details

To Edit the LDAP details, do the following:

  1. Click on the accordion of the LDAP Settings to open the LDAP details.
  2. Click on the Edit icon to modify the settings.
  3. In the Edit LDAP Settings dialog box that appears, specify the following details:

    Screenshot required

    • LDAP URL: Type the specified URL in this text box.
    • Bind Type: The LDAP bind type is CN.
    • Search DN: A Search DN is the LDAP entry from which the user search will be done. The default search scope is Subtree. This should be the top or base DN (dc=example, dc=com) for better user searches.
    • Use Service Account: If the Use Service Account toggle button is set to ON, then Jiffy looks for the user in the Service Account first, and then it validates the user based on the selected bind type. It is a two-level authentication process, if the service account credentials are not correct, then an error message is displayed indicating that the username does not exist.
    • Sevice Account DN: If the Use Service Account toggle button is set to ON, then Jiffy looks for the user in the Service Account first, and then it validates the user based on the selected bind type. It is a two-level authentication process, if the service account credentials are not correct, then an error message is displayed indicating that the username does not exist.

    The Username and Password fields will not appear if the Use Service Account toggle button is set to OFF.

    • Username: The service account user name.
    • Password: The service account password.

    The Username and Password are mandatory fields and can be filled using the values from Secure Vault by clicking on the lock icon.

  4. Click on the SAVE button to save the modifications.

  5. Click on the YES option in the “Users may not be able to login if the LDAP server details are changed. Do you want to proceed? popup to confirm the modifications.

    When the LDAP server details are changed, then the users trying to login whose entries do not exist in the new LDAP server, get an error message User does not exist in the LDAP and cannot login.

  6. Click on the TEST CONNECTION button to test if the connection is valid. If the test connection is successful, a green tick appears in the TEST CONNECTION button.

    If the test connection fails, the TEST CONNECTION button is replaced with the TRY AGAIN button. The user is redirected to the LDAP settings screen to check if the details provided are correct and if not, modify them. Click on the TRY AGAIN button to check the connection. If the connection fails again, a message Please contact System Administrator and alternatively Jiffy authentication can be used will be displayed.

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