
User Management


User Management is a system for authenticating users and storing user data. User Management APIs make managing users easy. These APIs handle user registration process, user authentication, and password management. Using the User Management Console, all aspects of the user accounts such as changing user properties, reset passwords, enable or disable users, and more can be managed.

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  • Username: Username of the user.
  • Full Name: Full name that is concatenated with the first and last name of the user.
  • Email: Email address of the user.
  • User Type: The user type will be either Tenant Admin or Member. While creating the user, if the toggle button Set as Admin is ON, then the value for the User Type against this user will be Admin otherwise it will be Member.
  • Status: The status of the user will be set to Active upon accepting the invitation sent by the Tenant Admin otherwise the user status will be Inactive.
  • Invite Status: This is the status of the mail that is sent by the Tenant Admin and can be any of the following four states:
    • If the mail sent is accepted by the user, then the invite status will be Accepted.
    • If the mail sent has not been received by the user due to some error, then the invite status will be Mail Sent Error.
    • If the mail sent is not accepted by the user for seven days, then the invite status will be Pending.
    • If the mail sent is not accepted by the user after more than seven days, then the invite status will be Expired.

Add/Invite Users

Tenant Admin can add new users and can invite the users by sending an email.

To add new users to, do the following:

In the Users dashboard, click on the + icon on the right top corner of the screen. In the Add/Invite Users screen that appears, provide the following details: Image description

Basic Info Tab

This screen contains the personal information of the user to be created. Specify the following details and click on the SAVE & CONTINUE button to navigate to the next screen. Image description

  • Username: The username with which the user can log into the and can be of any desired value. The Username is a unique value specific to the user.

Preferably, use the Email ID of the user as the username, to prevent the chances of duplication of usernames and for better management of the profiles.

  • First Name: First name of the user.
  • Last Name: Last name of the user.
  • Email: Email address of the user to be created for which the invite will be sent.
  • Can User Create Apps?: It’s a toggle button used for giving permission to the user for creating apps. If this toggle button is ON, then the user has the privilege to create an App. If it is OFF, then the user wont have the privilege to create an App and can take any other assigned role in the system and perform relevant assigned actions in the App.
  • Set as Admin?: If this toggle button is ON, then the user will be set as a Tenant Admin. If it is OFF, then that user will be a Tenant member.

Email Invite Tab

This screen helps to send invites to the users using the email address provided under the Basic Info tab. The Email is sent using the Email Configuration details specified in the Server Settings screen.

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The default contents of the email can be modified as required.

  • To send the invite to the user, click on the ADD & SEND INVITE button.
  • The user gets created in the system and the name of the user will be displayed in the Users dashboard with the status as Inactive. The status will change to Active when the invite is accepted by the user.

The email invite is valid for only 1 week. If it expires, the invite can be sent again.

Search Users

Click on the Search icon and then type the required keyword to be searched. Users are searched based on the text typed in the Search field.

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The search string is not case sensitive.

Upon search, the relevant columns with matching string/character are displayed.

If no matching string/characters are found for the searched keyword, then the “No results found” message is displayed.

The searchable items in the Users dashboard screen are:

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • Email
  • User Type
  • Status
  • Invite Status
  • Modified By
  • Last Modified (date)

More Actions

There is a More icon against each user in the Users dashboard where further modifications can be done to the respective user. Image description

Using the buttons provided at the bottom of the Users dashboard, multiple users can be chosen at once to SET AS ADMIN, DE-ACTIVATE, and ARCHIVE.

  • Set as Admin: Click on the Set as Admin option (1) to assign the Tenant Admin role to the user. In the Do you really want to set this User as ‘Admin’ dialog box that appears, click on the YES button to convert the user to a Tenant Admin.
  • De-activate: Click on the De-activate option (2) to deactivate the user. In the Deactivate User dialog box that appears, click on the YES button to deactivate the user. Once the user is deactivated, a message User ‘username’ deactivated is displayed. The deactivated users are represented in a disabled state:

Once the user is de-activated, the **De-Activate** option is replaced with the **Activate** option, which can be used to activate the user when required.

  • Edit: Click on the Edit option (3) to modify the user details. Do the required changes in the Edit User Details dialog box that appears and click on the SAVE button to save the changes. Image description

The **Username** and the **Email ID** fields cannot be edited.

  • Archive: Click on the Archive option (4) to archive the user in the application for a certain period of time. Once the user is archived, a message User ‘username’ archived is displayed. The user can be revived if required within that period of time. If the time exceeds, the user will get deleted permanently from the system.

The archived user will not be able to login.

  • The More icon against the individual users having the Invite Status as Mail Sent Error or Pending has the following options: Image description
    • Resend Email: Click on the Resend Email option (i) to resend the email invite to the users who have not accepted the earlier invite.
    • Delete: Click on the Delete option (ii) to delete the user from the application with the Invite Status as Mail Sent Error, Pending or Expired.

The options in this More menu cannot be assigned by a Tenant Admin to self. The Tenant Admin can perform these operations to other Tenant Admins in the application.

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