Last Updated: May 17, 2020
A cluster, in the context of servers, is a group of computers that relate to each other and operate close to act as a single computer. Speedy local area networks enhance a cluster of computers’ abilities to operate at an exceptionally rapid pace.
Similarly, Cluster can be created in and multiple machines in which bots are running can be grouped in one cluster. With this, enhances a cluster of machines’ abilities to operate at an exceptional rapid speed. The main aim of introducing cluster in is for load balancing. With this, will optimize the use of resources available, maximize throughout, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. Instead of using a single component, load balancing takes advantage of multiple resources by increasing the architecture availability and reliability.
A group of bots is called a Cluster. This allows the users to group multiple bots under one Cluster. Click on the Clusters option in the menu to display the Clusters screen from which the designer can group the related bots as one cluster.