Static data can be visualized by uploading a CSV file to
Uploading A CSV Dataset
To upload a CSV Dataset, do the following:
- Click on the + icon on the Datasets listing page and choose the CSV Datasets option.
- Choose the CSV Dataset from the Windows Explorer and click on the Open button.
- In the This datasheet has been published. Click Ok to refresh the contents. popup window, click on the OK button.
- Click on the Publish icon to publish the contents of the CSV file.
View CSV Dataset
The newly created CSV Datasets will be listed in the Datasets listing page. To view the CSV Datasets schema with the details of the columns,
click on the name of the CSV Datasets in the Datasets listing screen.
More icon: This provides options to edit the CSV Dataset further.
- Dataset Schema: [Edit]() the schema.
- Description: Provide a short description about the dataset and each of the columns.
- Autodetect Schema: Detect the schema of the dataset automatically.
- Reload Dataset: Reload the dataset after making changes to it.
Publish icon: Once the required data is achieved as per the requirements and the Publish icon is clicked to save the Dataset.
Sort icon: This provides options to sort the data in the table in an Ascending or Descending order alphabetically.
The data in the column can be filtered as required using the Filter option.
Do the following to use the filters:
- Choose the column name in the first drop-down.
- Choose a condition to filter in the second drop-down. The following conditions are available:
- in: To display the values that exist within the specified range.
- nin: To display the values that do not exist within the specified range.
- eq: To display the values that are equal to the specified value.
- ne: To display the values that are not equal to the specified value.
- empty: To display the values that are empty.
- nempty: To display the values that are not empty.
- contains: To display the values that have the specified value as a part of them.
- ncontains: To display the values that do not have the specified value as a part of them.
- starts: To display the values that start with the specified value.
- nstarts: To display the values that do not start with the specified value.
- ends: To display the values that end with the specified value.
- nends: To display the values that do not end with the specified value.
- Click on the APPLY button.
Dataset Header List: This provides a list of all the headers in the CSV dataset so that it is easy to navigate through the dataset.
Rows and Columns label: This displays the total number of rows and columns in the CSV dataset.