
Doc Tables


The data from the PDF having different data types are extracted into a Doc table which is then used for the further execution of the task. A Doc table can be created either using an existing schema or a new schema.

A document schema defines attributes of a document including metadata fields used with a document, who has access to a document, workflows that can be initiated on a document, the document lifecycle, and more.

Create Doc Table - New Schema

  1. Click on the + icon on the Datasets listing page and choose the Doc Table option.
  2. In the Create Doc Table window is displayed, specify the following details: Image description

    1. Table Name: Name of the Doc Table, for example, Invoice_PDF. The following messages are displayed for the below error scenarios:

      Error Messages Description
      Please provide Jiffy Table name When the user tries to create a Jiffy table without providing the name.
      ‘Jiffy Table’ name already exists, please provide a unique name When the user provides a duplicate Jiffy Table name
      Invalid Name, use characters [(a-z), (A-Z), (0-9), _, -, space ] If a user provides the Jiffy table name that contains characters other than [(a-z), (A-Z), (0-9), _, -, space]
      Please input up to 25 characters If the length of the Jiffy table name exceeds 25 characters
    2. Model: Select the New Schema option in this drop-down and specify the name of the new schema to be created.
      Image description

  3. Click on the name of the newly created model to select it. A green tick mark is displayed next to the selected schema. Image description

  4. Click on the + icon to create new columns. It displays the default values (UUID, Created By, Created Date, Updated By, Updated Date, Status) automatically. Image description

    • Click on the Plus (+) icon to add more columns.
    • Click on the X icon displayed against each column to delete the respective column from the Doc table.
    • The New toggle indicates that the data will be a value field on the screen and should be populated outside the pdf processing node. When the toggle is set to Extracted state, the system will automatically add validations on the doc table based on the type of the field.

    In the [form](/developer_guide/forms/) view, the **Extracted** fields will have both label and value fields, whereas the fields apart from extracted fields will have only the value field.

  5. Select the required data type from the second column which contains the following options:

    • Singleline: Text in a single line.
    • Multiline: Text in multiple lines.
    • Numeric: Numeric fields will support decimal values up to 3 numbers.
    • Select:
    • Checkbox:
    • Image Cell: This field is used to upload various types of image files.
    • Attachment: This field is used to attach multiple files at once.
    • URL: This field is used to attach URLs.
    • Date: A calendar popup is displayed to select the date and the system stores the date value in the default format recognized by the system.
    • Table: This datatype has its own set of inline columns and is used for the inline-table available in the PDF document. It acts as a separate table and has all the features of the main table. Any Doc table can have only one level of inline-table. Image description
      • Click on the Edit icon (1) to edit the inline table details of the PDF document.

    Use the drag handle to re-order the columns.

  6. Click on the Create button to create a new Doc Table which is displayed in the Datasets screen.

Create Doc Table - Existing Schema

  1. Follow steps 1, 2 (a) from the Create Doc Table - New schema section.
  2. Select any one of the existing schemas in the Models drop-down.
  3. The columns that were pre-defined for the existing schema appears automatically.
  4. The user can modify the column data by clicking on the respective column.

    Users can edit the predefined values and status through Jiffy Insert/Update node as well.

  5. Click on the + icon to add new columns.
    • Adding new columns can either be predefined columns or new fields. Predefined columns are the columns of the existing schema that are chosen for Doc table creation and its data type is displayed as Extracted Fields. Predefined column names and types are non-editable. Image description
    • New columns apart from the columns of the selected existing schema can be added using the New field option provided in the + icon drop-down list. The data type can be selected as other supported data types available in the Field type column.
    • Already added columns for the table creation are marked with a green tick mark. The columns that are unchecked can be added by clicking on the required column and it gets included for the creation of the Doc Table.

View Doc Tables

The newly created Doc Tables will be listed in the Datasets listing page. To view the Doc table schema with the details of the columns, click on the name of the Doc table in the Datasets listing screen.

Image description

The following actions can be performed on this screen:

  • Adding data into the table: Click on the + icon (1) to add data into the table. A dialog box appears with the created / selected schema. Type the data into the respective fields and click on the SAVE button to save the data.
    Image description

  • Auto Processing: Click on the Settings icon to select the Auto Processing toggle. Image description

  • Editing the data: Click on the Edit icon (2) next to the required row to edit the data in that row. Edit the details and click on the SAVE button to save the data.
    Image description

    Use the highlighted arrow buttons to navigate to the previous and the next row of data.

  • Duplicating the data: Click on the Duplicate icon (3) next to the required row to duplicate that row. Another row with the same details is added to the table.

  • Deleting the data: Click on the checkbox icon (4) next to the required row to select that row. Click on the DELETE button (6) at the bottom of the page to delete the row. In the Are you sure you want to delete the row permanently option, click on the YES button. This can be done for one row at a time or multiple rows at once.

    Image description

  • Unlocking the data: When a task is being executed using the rows in the Jiffy table, the rows will be locked. The rows need to be unlocked to modify the data, if required. To do this, click on the checkbox icon (4) next to the required row to select that row. Then click on the UNLOCK button (5) at the bottom of the page to unlock the rows. This can be done for one row at a time or multiple rows at once.

  • Editing the table schema: To edit the schema of the table, click on the More icon (7) at the top of the screen. Click on the Table Properties option. Image description In the Migrate Jiffy Table dialog box that appears, do the required modifications. Click on the MIGRATE button to migrate the data in the table to the updated schema. Image description

  • Sorting the data: The rows in the table are arranged in the last modified first order by default. They can be rearranged in alphabetically Ascending or Descending order for each column by clicking on the More icon against the name of the column.

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