
Editing the Schema


This section is applicable only to SQL Datasets and CSV Datasets.

Schema Edit Options

  1. Edit Schema: Edit the columns. Image description
    • Nullable: The values in the column can be null if this checkbox is checked.
    • Hide: The values in this columns are hidden if this checkbox is checked.
    • More: Perform more actions on the column. Image description
      • Duplicate Column: Duplicate the selected column.
      • Add Expression Above: Add an expression above the selected column.
      • Add Expression Below: Add an expression below the selected column.
      • Delete Column: Delete the selected column.
  2. Dependency Graph:
  3. Close icon: Close the edit pane.
  4. Drop-down icon: Perform various actions on the values of the column.
    1. Click on the drop-down icon.
    2. Click on the + icon.
    3. The following functions are available. Choose the required functions and give the inputs.
    4. Click on the Refresh icon to apply the changes.

Actions That Can Be Performed On The Columns

Functions Description Inputs / Example
Replace Replace a section of text with the specified text
  • Text to replace: The text that has to be replaced
  • Replacement text:The text to replaced with.
Example: Replace B in ABC with D
Remove Remove a section of the text Text To remove: The text that has to be removed
Example: Remove A from ABC
Replace a section of text with the text specified
using regular expressions
  • Regex to replace: The regular expression that
    that has to be used to replace the text
  • Replacement text:The text to replaced with.
Example: In texts starting a with A, replace A with D
Lower Change the text to lower case No inputs
Example: Change ABC to abc
Upper Change the text to upper case No inputs
Example: Change abc to ABC
Trim Trim the spaces in the beginning and the
end of the text
No inputs
Example: Change “ ABC “ to “ABC
Length The text will be replaced with the number
of characters in the text phrase.
No inputs
Example: ABC is replaced with 3
Substring Display the substring of a value
  • Start Position:The position from where
    the sub string must start
  • No of chars: Total number of characters to be displayed
Example: From the substring ABC, display
2 characters from the 2nd position ie., BC
Append Add a string to the end of the value Text to Append:The value to be added at the end
Example: Add A at the end of ABC
Prepend Add a string at the beginning of the value Text to Prepend:The value to be added at the beginning
Example: Add A at the beginning of ABC
Initcap Capitalize the initial letter of the text No inputs
Example: Change abc to Abc
To Time Stamp Convert the value to a timestamp
  • format: Format of the timestamp. Click on the ? icon to know more.
  • Select TimeZone: Select the time zone to be used
Example: Convert 21-06-1981 to 21-June-1981 00:00:00
To String Convert the value to a string length: Length of the string
Example: Convert 21-June-1981 00:00:00 to 1981
To Int Convert the value to an integer No inputs
Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81
To Big Int Convert the value to a big integer No inputs
Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81
To Boolean Convert the value to a boolean value No inputs
Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81
Expression Add a Expression ExpressionString:
Example: ABC
Aes Encrypt Encrypt the text using Aes Encryption secret key: Key to be used for the encryption
Example: ABC
Md5 Encrypt the text using Md5 Encryption No inputs
Sha512 Encrypt the text using Sha512 Encryption No inputs
Mask Mask the text using a pattern pattern: Pattern to be used for the encryption
Example: ABC

Actions That Can Be Performed On Numerical Values

On the numerical values, the following functions can be performed:

These functions are applied on top of the following functions:

  • length
  • To Int
  • To Big Int
  • To Double

Functions Description Inputs / Example
abs Returns the absolute value No inputs
Example: The absolute value of 3 is 3, and the
absolute value of −3 is also 3.
add Add a number to the value number: Number to be added
ceil Rounds a number up to a higher
integer and returns
an integer value.
Example: 32.65 is rounded to 33
divide Divide a number with the value number: Number to be divided with
exp Returns e^x , where x is the value No inputs
Example: e^2 is 7.38905609893
floor Rounds a number up to a lower integer
and returns an
integer value
Example: 32.65 is rounded to 32
ln Returns a logarithm of the value to the
base of the mathematical constant e
No inputs
Example: ln 2 is 0.69314718056
log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number No inputs
Example: log10 100 is 2
mod Returns the remainder after dividing
one number by another
number: The number to divide with
Example: 5 mod 3 is 2
multiply Multiply a number with the value number: Number to be multiplied with
negative Returns the negative of a value No inputs
Example: 2 is -2
round Rounds a decimal value to the specified places Decimal Place: Place values to round the
number with Example: 32.6885 is
rounded to 32.69 if the Decimal Places is
specified as 2
pow Returns x raised to the power of y, where x is the
value in the column and y is value specifies
Power: The value of y
Example: 5 to the power of 3 is 125
sqrt Returns the square root of the value No inputs
Example: Square root of 9 is 3
subtract Subtract the specified value from the value in the column number: Number to be subtracted
radians Converts the angle x from degrees to radians No inputs
Example: 90 degrees is 1.5708 radians
sign Extracts the sign of a real number No inputs
Example: The sign of -4 is -
Trunc Returns the integer part of a floating-point
number by removing the fractional digits
Decimal Place: Place values to truncate the number
Example: 15.56 is rounded to 15 if the Decimal Places is
specified as 2

Actions That Can Be Performed On Dates

On the Date values, the following functions can be performed:

These functions are applied on top of the To TimeStamp function.

Functions Description Inputs / Example
Exract Second Return the value of seconds in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The seconds in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 42
Exract Minute Return the value of minutes in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The minutes in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 35
Exract Hour Return the value of hours in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The hours in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 2
Exract Day Return the value of day in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The day in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 21
Exract Day Of Week Return the value of what the number of the day is
with respect to the week in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The day in 21-June-1981 02:35:42
with respect to the week is 6
Exract Week Return the value of what the number of the week is
with respect to the year in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The week in 21-June-1981 02:35:42
with respect to the year is 25
Exract Day Of Year Return the value of what the number of the day is
with respect to the year in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The day on 21-June-1981 02:35:42
with respect to the year is 171
Exract Month Return the value of month in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The month in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 6
Exract Quarter Return the value of quarter of the year in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The quarter of the year for 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 2
Exract Year Return the value of years in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The hours in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 1981
Exract Week Year Return the value of what the number of the week
and the year is in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The week year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42
Exract Qurater Year Return the value of what the number of the quarter
and the year is in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The quarter year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42
Exract Month Year Return the value of what the number of the month
and the year is in the timestamp
No inputs
Example: The month year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42
Date Difference Return the difference between the number of days between the current date and the value in the column.
  • endDate: Select Today
  • Select Interval: This can be Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds to show the difference.
Custom Date Difference Return the difference between the number of days between the specified date and the value in the column.
  • endDate: The end date
  • Select Interval: This can be Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds to show the difference.
Date Add Add a specified timestamp to the value in the column Specify the Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds to add
Date Sub Subtract a specified timestamp to the value in the column Specify the Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds to remove
Exract Date Return the value of the Date in the timestamp No inputs
Example: The Date in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 21
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