Last Updated: Apr 21, 2020
This section is applicable only to SQL Datasets and CSV Datasets.
Functions | Description | Inputs / Example |
Replace | Replace a section of text with the specified text |
Remove | Remove a section of the text | Text To remove: The text that has to be removed Example: Remove A from ABC |
Replace regex |
Replace a section of text with the text specified using regular expressions |
Lower | Change the text to lower case | No inputs Example: Change ABC to abc |
Upper | Change the text to upper case | No inputs Example: Change abc to ABC |
Trim | Trim the spaces in the beginning and the end of the text |
No inputs Example: Change “ ABC “ to “ABC“ |
Length | The text will be replaced with the number of characters in the text phrase. |
No inputs Example: ABC is replaced with 3 |
Substring | Display the substring of a value |
2 characters from the 2nd position ie., BC |
Append | Add a string to the end of the value | Text to Append:The value to be added at the end Example: Add A at the end of ABC |
Prepend | Add a string at the beginning of the value | Text to Prepend:The value to be added at the beginning Example: Add A at the beginning of ABC |
Initcap | Capitalize the initial letter of the text | No inputs Example: Change abc to Abc |
To Time Stamp | Convert the value to a timestamp |
To String | Convert the value to a string | length: Length of the string Example: Convert 21-June-1981 00:00:00 to 1981 |
To Int | Convert the value to an integer | No inputs Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81 |
To Big Int | Convert the value to a big integer | No inputs Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81 |
To Boolean | Convert the value to a boolean value | No inputs Example: Convert 81.45634 to 81 |
Expression | Add a Expression | ExpressionString: Example: ABC |
Aes Encrypt | Encrypt the text using Aes Encryption | secret key: Key to be used for the encryption Example: ABC |
Md5 | Encrypt the text using Md5 Encryption | No inputs |
Sha512 | Encrypt the text using Sha512 Encryption | No inputs |
Mask | Mask the text using a pattern | pattern: Pattern to be used for the encryption Example: ABC |
On the numerical values, the following functions can be performed:
These functions are applied on top of the following functions:
- length
- To Int
- To Big Int
- To Double
Functions | Description | Inputs / Example |
abs | Returns the absolute value | No inputs Example: The absolute value of 3 is 3, and the absolute value of −3 is also 3. |
add | Add a number to the value | number: Number to be added |
ceil | Rounds a number up to a higher integer and returns an integer value. |
Example: 32.65 is rounded to 33 |
divide | Divide a number with the value | number: Number to be divided with |
exp | Returns e^x , where x is the value | No inputs Example: e^2 is 7.38905609893 |
floor | Rounds a number up to a lower integer and returns an integer value |
Example: 32.65 is rounded to 32 |
ln | Returns a logarithm of the value to the base of the mathematical constant e |
No inputs Example: ln 2 is 0.69314718056 |
log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number | No inputs Example: log10 100 is 2 |
mod | Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another |
number: The number to divide with Example: 5 mod 3 is 2 |
multiply | Multiply a number with the value | number: Number to be multiplied with |
negative | Returns the negative of a value | No inputs Example: 2 is -2 |
round | Rounds a decimal value to the specified places | Decimal Place: Place values to round the number with Example: 32.6885 is rounded to 32.69 if the Decimal Places is specified as 2 |
pow | Returns x raised to the power of y, where x is the value in the column and y is value specifies |
Power: The value of y Example: 5 to the power of 3 is 125 |
sqrt | Returns the square root of the value | No inputs Example: Square root of 9 is 3 |
subtract | Subtract the specified value from the value in the column | number: Number to be subtracted |
radians | Converts the angle x from degrees to radians | No inputs Example: 90 degrees is 1.5708 radians |
sign | Extracts the sign of a real number | No inputs Example: The sign of -4 is - |
Trunc | Returns the integer part of a floating-point number by removing the fractional digits |
Decimal Place: Place values to truncate the number Example: 15.56 is rounded to 15 if the Decimal Places is specified as 2 |
On the Date values, the following functions can be performed:
These functions are applied on top of the To TimeStamp function.
Functions | Description | Inputs / Example |
Exract Second | Return the value of seconds in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The seconds in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 42 |
Exract Minute | Return the value of minutes in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The minutes in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 35 |
Exract Hour | Return the value of hours in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The hours in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 2 |
Exract Day | Return the value of day in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The day in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 21 |
Exract Day Of Week | Return the value of what the number of the day is with respect to the week in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The day in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 with respect to the week is 6 |
Exract Week | Return the value of what the number of the week is with respect to the year in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The week in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 with respect to the year is 25 |
Exract Day Of Year | Return the value of what the number of the day is with respect to the year in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The day on 21-June-1981 02:35:42 with respect to the year is 171 |
Exract Month | Return the value of month in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The month in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 6 |
Exract Quarter | Return the value of quarter of the year in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The quarter of the year for 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 2 |
Exract Year | Return the value of years in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The hours in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 1981 |
Exract Week Year | Return the value of what the number of the week and the year is in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The week year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 1981-25 |
Exract Qurater Year | Return the value of what the number of the quarter and the year is in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The quarter year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 1981-2 |
Exract Month Year | Return the value of what the number of the month and the year is in the timestamp |
No inputs Example: The month year in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 1981-6 |
Date Difference | Return the difference between the number of days between the current date and the value in the column. |
Custom Date Difference | Return the difference between the number of days between the specified date and the value in the column. |
Date Add | Add a specified timestamp to the value in the column | Specify the Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds to add |
Date Sub | Subtract a specified timestamp to the value in the column | Specify the Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds to remove |
Exract Date | Return the value of the Date in the timestamp | No inputs Example: The Date in 21-June-1981 02:35:42 is 21 |