Last Updated: Nov 18, 2020
The following functions are available for use in the Slack connector node:
Functions | Description |
Archive Conversation | Use this function to archive a conversation in the slack application |
Create Conversation | Use this function to create a new conversation in the slack application with the given valid details |
Download File | Use this function to download a given file from slack server |
Invite To Channel | Use this function to invite users to the given channel |
Join Conversation | Use this function to joins channel in the slack application to converse |
Leave Conversation | Use this function to leave a conversation in the slack application |
Remove From Channel | Use this function to remove users from the given channel |
Rename Conversation | Use this function to rename a conversation in the slack application with the given new name |
Send Message | Use this function to post a given message to the provided channel |
Send Reply | Use this function to reply to the given message |
Unarchive Conversation | Use this function to unarchive a conversation in the slack application |
Upload File | Use this function to upload a givem file to the slack application with the given title |