
Bulk Copy To Table With Sheet Name


Use this function to copy values (without metadata) from the specified range of the given excel sheet to a data table. This function is useful to copy the data faster when the data volume is large.


Bulk Copy To Table With Sheet Name (table_name, range_value, sheet_name)


Input Parameter Name Description
table_name Name of the table from table definition
range_value Two cell values (first cell and last cell) separated by ‘:’ to copy the values
sheet_name Name of the sheet to be copied

':' is used as separator between the cells.


Return value Description
Table Returns the copied data as a table type variable


Bulk Copy To Table With Sheet Name (Table1, A1:A5, Sheet1)

  • Copies the data present in the range ‘A1:A5’ from the ‘Sheet1’ in ‘Table1’.

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