Last Updated: Dec 10, 2020
The following functions can be used to automate Math related tasks:
Functions | Description |
Absolute Value | Use this function to return the value of the magnitude of a number without regard to its sign |
Add | Use this function to find the sum of the two input values |
Decrement Value By One | Use this function to decrement the value by 1 |
Discount Percentage | Use this function to find the percentage of ‘discount’ in the given ‘cost price’ |
Factorial | Use this function to calcuate the factorial of the input number |
Increment Value By One | Use this function to increment the value by 1 |
Loss Percentage | Use this function to find the percentage of ‘loss’ in the ‘cost price’ |
Percentage | Use this function to find the percentage of ‘out of’ in the ‘total’ value |
Profit Percentage | Use this function to find the percentage of ‘profit’ in the ‘cost price’ |
Random Number Generator | Use this function to generate a random number within the given range |
Subtract | Use this function to find the difference of the input values |