


The following functions can be used to automate Math related tasks:

Functions Description
Absolute Value Use this function to return the value of the magnitude of a number without regard to its sign
Add Use this function to find the sum of the two input values
Decrement Value By One Use this function to decrement the value by 1
Discount Percentage Use this function to find the percentage of ‘discount’ in the given ‘cost price’
Factorial Use this function to calcuate the factorial of the input number
Increment Value By One Use this function to increment the value by 1
Loss Percentage Use this function to find the percentage of ‘loss’ in the ‘cost price’
Percentage Use this function to find the percentage of ‘out of’ in the ‘total’ value
Profit Percentage Use this function to find the percentage of ‘profit’ in the ‘cost price’
Random Number Generator Use this function to generate a random number within the given range
Subtract Use this function to find the difference of the input values
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