DataTable node is a concept provided in to fetch table data. Data Table node does not fetch data from any external source. Instead, it receives data through mapping from the previous nodes and stores that data in a Datatable. It can receive data from Web UI node, DB node, Email Browser node, and Excel node. Data stored is transient to enable iterations on the number of rows.
Variables & Table Definition
Read about Variables and Table Definition to know more.
Properties Of Datatable Node
- Name: Name of the node. A default name is displayed in this field, which the user can edit according to the task and the intent of using the node.
- Description: A short note on the purpose of the node.
- Mark run Failure on Node Fail? : When the Mark run Failure on Node Fail field is ON, if the node execution fails then the
complete task execution is marked as fail.
- Continue on no result?: When Continue on no result? field is ON, the task execution continues even when the database query returns no results. When Continue on no result?field is OFF,if the node fails, the execution will not continue to the next node.