
Jiffy Select

Last Updated: Nov 16, 2020


Jiffy Select Node is used to get the data from the Jiffy Table based on different conditions selected. Jiffy select node works on jiffy tables which doesnt require any authentication.

Image description

Setting Up Data Fields For Jiffy Select Node

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  • Table: Select the table from which data to be selected.
  • Column: Columns of the table from which data to be selected.
  • Condition: By default “Where” clause is displayed in this field.
  • Column: Column name on which condition to be applied.
  • Operator: Operators (+, =, >, etc) used for the condition while retrieveing the data.
  • Variable: Input the constant or select the variable against which the condition of selection needs to be applied. Before selecting the variable, toggle the V icon to change it to a variable.
    Read more about variables here.
  • Row Limit: To be specified by the designer how many rows should be extracted. The maximum row limit is 100.
  • Processing Type: Bulk processing or Row wise processing must be selected based on the task requirement.
    • If the Bulk processing option is selected, the entire data is processed as a bulk and the output is stored in a pre-defined table.
    • If the Row-wise processing option is selected, the table contents are traversed row wise to get the result.
  • Table Definition: Table definition name to be specified.

Order By

  • Column: Column on which order by clause to be applied.
  • Type: Order by type (Ascending or Descending) to be selected based on the requirement.

Advanced Options

Wait for data

A toggle button is provided basically for the designer to specify the time a node should wait for fetching the data.

  • On turning it ON, two more parameters are displayed:
    • Timeout (seconds) – Specifies the maximum time in seconds the node will wait before it times out.
    • Interval (seconds) – Specifies the number of seconds the node will wait before it reruns to check if data present for retrieval.
  • If the Timeout specified is completed and data is not retrieved, then the node will fail.
  • If the data is fetched in the second interval and before the Timeout specified, the execution will continue to the next node. It will not wait for the timeout specified.
  • On turning it OFF, the node will start the processing immediately without waiting for the data to be available.

Lock row

This option is provided to ensure that the same rows are not retrieved by another bot and updated while the current task is processing the retrieved rows.

  • If this button is turned ON, then following operations can be performed:
    • The selected rows are locked.
    • The lock must be released, the moment task is completed.
    • No changes can be performed by other designers when the records are in use. If the records are accessed by any designer, then an alert message Bot is working on the records is displayed.
  • If this field is turned OFF, the designer can use the Update column in the same node to avoid the deadlock.

Update columns

This option is used to lock the record for the period that it is being processed so that no other bot can access the same record during the same time.

  • If this button in turned ON, the column selected in the Update Column field is updated with the value provided by the designer to lock the records.
  • After the processing, the locked records are released.
  • If this button is enabled, Lock Row field will be in disabled state.

  • Either the option of Lock Row or Update Column must be enabled. Both cannot work at the same time.
  • If both Update Columns and Lock Row are turned OFF, then multiple bots can access the data as well the designer can edit the data.

Variables & Table Definition

Read about Variables and Table Definition to know more.

Properties Of Jiffy Select Node

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  • Name: Name of the node. A default name is displayed in this field, which the user can edit according to the task and the intent of using the node.
  • Description: A short note on the purpose of the node.
  • Mark run Failure on Node Fail? : When the Mark run Failure on Node Fail field is ON, if the node execution fails then the complete task execution is marked as fail.
  • Continue on no result?: When Continue on no result? field is ON, the task execution continues even when the database query returns no results. When Continue on no result?field is OFF,if the node fails, the execution will not continue to the next node.

Refer to Data Manipulation sample task to know how to use Jiffy Select node in a task.

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