
Familiarizing UI Elements


To record different types of UI elements like image, text or table, click on the Other Recording button. The following options are displayed: 1. Table 2. Text 3 Image


If familiarizing a table in the web page, follow the below steps in UI learn to capture the data in the required columns and store in the form of a table control (UI event):

  1. Select the Table option in the Other Recording menu.

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  2. For the first column familiarization, Select Two Element From Same Column, select the first-row element in the column and press the control key. The element will be highlighted in red. Image description

  3. Select element of second row of same column and press the control key, so that UI learn captures the coordinates of the table.

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  4. All the row elements of the first column are automatically displayed in the UI Learn floating window under the first column.

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  5. Familiarize the other columns needed in the UI automation. Select first row element of the columns to be populated and press the control key.
    The element will be highlighted in red and all the rows of the familiarized column are automatically displayed in the UI Learn floating window under the respective column.

  6. If tables exist across multiple pages in the website, click on the ADD NEXT LINK button in the UI Learn floating window and familiarize the link.

  7. Rename the columns in UI learn floating window to an intuitive name.

  8. Click on the DONE button to stop the learning process and then save the data. Image description


This is applicable in scenarios where the user needs to identify an anchor for the actual control to be captured.

In a form where the user needs to enter text in couple of user entry fields based on the labels. Here the label would be the anchor and the user entry field would be the target.

  1. Select the Text option in the Other Recording menu.

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  2. Click on Anchor radio button and select the area which need to be familiarized.

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  3. To clear the capture and start a new selection, click on Clear Capture button.

  4. The text which could be identified from the selected area are highlighted.

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  5. Click on the text that needs to be selected as the Anchor. The selected text is the anchor and is displayed in the Element text box.

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  6. Click on Target radio button and select the area which need to be familiarized.

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  7. Click on End Capture button.

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  8. The control that is familiarized is displayed in the UI Learn floating window

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This is applicable in scenarios where the user only requires an anchor and there is no target available.

In Citrix based applications, where user need to click on a button which has a text. Here only the button need to be selected and this would act as both anchor and target.

  1. Select the Image option in the Other Recording menu.

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  2. Click on Anchor radio button and select the area which need to be familiarized. The selected image is the anchor and is displayed in the Anchor field.

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  3. To clear the capture and start a new selection, click on Clear Capture button.

  4. Click on Target radio button and select the area which need to be familiarized. The selected image is the target and is displayed in the Target field.

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  5. Click on End Capture button.

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  6. The control that is familiarized is displayed in the UI Learn floating window

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