

Last Updated: Dec 3, 2020


The following functions can be used to automate Excel related tasks:

Functions Description
AutoFill Use this function to take the formulas defined in the specified rule range and adapt them to the specified end range
Bulk Copy To Table Use this function to copy values (without metadata) to a data table from the specified range of the currently active excel sheet
Bulk Copy To Table With Sheet Name Use this function to copy values (without metadata) from the specified range of the given excel sheet to a data table
Clear Filter Use this function to remove the filters applied in the specified table
Clear Range Use this function to clear data in a specific range of cells
Close Active File Use this function to close the active excel file
Close Excel Use this function to close the active excel application
Close File Use this function to close the excel file present in the specified path
Convert Col Letter To Number Use this function to convert the column letter to a number
Convert Col No to Letter Use this function to convert the specified column number to a letter
ConvertToTableXml Use this function to convert the data in a cell to a tabular XML format
Copy MetaData Use this function to copy the values and metadata from the input range and provide output in an XML format
Copy Paste Range Use this function to copy the content from the given source sheet-range and paste it in the destination sheet-range based on the paste-type given as an input
Copy To Clipboard Use this function to copy the input range to the clipboard
Copy To Table DEPRECATED Use this function to copy the values along without metadata from the given input rage to the data table from an Excel sheet
Copy To Table with MetaData Use this function to copy the values along with properties like font, color, etc. from the input range to the data table from an excel sheet
Copy Value Use this function to copy the values from the input range and return the output in an XML format
Create Sheet Use this function to create a new sheet in an excel file
Create Table Use this function to create a table with the specified name in the specified range of the workbook
Delete Column Use this function to delete the column of the specified column letter in the workbook
Delete Range Use this function to delete a specific range of cells in the workbook
Delete Row Use this function to delete a specified row from the workbook
Delete Sheet By Index Use this function to delete the sheet from the workbook using the specified index
Delete Sheet By Name Use this function to delete the sheet from the workbook using the specified sheet name
Filter Table Use this function to filter the table using the specified column name and filter options
Get Cell Color Use this function to extract the color of the cell
Get Cell Value Use this function to get the value of the specified cell as text
Get Last Cell with Data Use this function to get the address of the last cell that has data
Get Last Column with Data Use this function to get the last column that has data
Get Last Row And Column with Data Use this function to get the address of the last row and column that has data
Get Last Row with Data Use this function to get the last row that has data
Get Table Range Use this function to retrieve the excel range of a table from the active spreadsheet
Insert Column Use this function to insert a new column at the specified position
Insert Row Use this function to insert a new row at the specified position
Is Sheet Exists Use this function to check if the sheet exists or not in the workbook
Lookup Range Use this function to check if a value exists in the specified range and return the address of the cell where the value exists
Open Excel Use this function to open the file specified in the path
Open Protected Excel Use this function to open password protected .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .csv files
Paste From Table Use this function to paste the values from the table variable to a range starting from the specified cell
Paste MetaData Use this function to paste the values along with properties like font, color, etc. from the given input XML
Paste MetaData From Clipboard Use this function to paste the values along with properties like font, color, etc. from clipboard to the specified cell range
Paste Value Use this function to paste the values from the output XML of the Copy Value function
Paste Value From Clipboard Use this function to paste the values from the clipboard to the input range
Read Cell Formula Use this function to read the cell formula of the specified range
Refresh Pivot Table Use this function to refresh the specified pivot table in the active worksheet
Remove Duplicates Use this function to delete all the rows that are duplicated in a specified range and return the number of rows remaining in the range
Remove Module Use this function to remove the module with the given name if it exists
Rename Sheet By Index Use this function to rename the sheet at the specified index to the specified new name
Rename Sheet By Name Use this function to rename the sheet with the specified existing name to a specified new name
Run Macro Use this function to run the macro with the specified name
Save File Use this function to update the lastly preserved file with the latest content
Save File As Use this function to store a new file or to store an existing file to a new location with the same name or a different name
Select Sheet By Index Use this function to select the sheet in the workbook using the input index
Select Sheet By Name Use this function to select the sheet in the workbook using the specified sheet name
Send keys Use this function to send the key combination to the file to perform the required actions
Set Range Color Use this function to apply the color of the specified RGB value to the specified range of cells
Sort Table Use this function to sort the table using column name and sort order
Update Cells Use this function to update the specified range of cell(s) with the specifie value
Write Cell Formula Use this function to write the specified cell formula to the specified range
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