This section contains information on how to install and run Jiffy Bot on a Windows environment.
Refer to the Infrastructure Requirement section for the Prerequisites of BOT/windows.
Bot Installation Steps
- Download the Jiffy Client installer from either of the following locations:
- Download location hosted in the internet. Consult Jiffy support team for different versions.
- Navigate to the Task Design Canvas and click on the Download Client Installation option in the More menu.
- To navigate to the Task Design Canvas, do the following:
- Create an App.
- Click on the created app.
- Create a Task.
- Click on the Task ID of the created task
- In the Choose what to download dialog box, select both the components and click on the DOWNLOAD button.
- Extract the downloaded file
The versions in the screenshots may differ from the version that the user is running.
- In the extracted folder, right click on the Jiffy-Bot-Manager.exe file, select the Run as Administrator option.
- Click on the Yes button to allow the app to be installed.
- Start the installation by clicking on the Next button.
- Select the Complete option by selecting the checkbox next to it and click on the Install button.
- If any instance of Google Chrome is running during the installation, the installer will prompt the following dialog box. Close the Google Chrome instances and click on the OK button to continue.
- In the installer configuration window , specify the Jiffy Server Domain Name and the License ID. Click on the SUBMIT button.
These details will be provided with the installation instructions.
- Installation will progress as shown.
- Reboot the machine to complete the installation.
- Run the Jiffy Diagnostic tool as admin from the extracted folder to ensure proper installation.
To do this:
- Double-click on the Jiffy-Diagnostic-Tool file.
- Click on the Run All Tests button to begin the diagnostics.
- Click on the Download Report button after the diagnostics are done.
- Check the report to see that Jiffy Prerequisites, Jiffy Client, and Optional Modules show the status as SUCCESS.
- Right-click on the task bar and start the BOT as shown below.
- Select the Start Developer BOT as shown below.
- Type the Jiffy username and password and click on the Submit button.
- The Developer Bot is added successfully message is displayed. Click on the OKAY button.
- The below window is displayed while the Bot starts.
- The Jiffy Service Console window is displayed. It displays status of tasks that are in executed by the user in Jiffy.