
Jiffy DB Server Installation


This section contains information on how to install and run Postgres & Mongo database on a Linux environment. Refer to the Infrastructure requirements of DB server for all software and hardware pre-requisites.

DB Server Installation Steps

Root Installer


  1. jiffy_database_installer.tar.gz must be available at /tmpjiffy.
  2. jiffyapp-usr user must be created.
  3. Mount point must be jiffydb.

Installation Steps

Run the following commands to trigger the jiffy db installation:

  • cd /tmp
  • tar -xf jiffy_database_installer.tar.gz
  • chmod u+x
  • ./

The value provided in brackets for each user input will be considered as the default on pressing Enter key.

  1. Installation location: If you want to install in a different location please give appropriate input like /home, /jiffydb etc
  2. Linux username for jiffy database (mongo) instance: If you want to create or use a different user, please input that username.
  3. Linux group name: If you want to create and assign a different group, please input that group name.
  4. Home directory for the user: If you want to assign a different home directory to the linux user created above, please provide that here as appropriate. Image description Provide the SSL certificates and key file paths next: Image description Restart postgres database now:

    • systemctl stop postgresql-9.6
    • systemctl start postgresql-9.6
    • chown jiffyapp-usr:jiffyapp-usr

Non-Root Installer

Switch to the jiffyapp-usr user and run the following commands:

  • cd /tmp
  • chmod u+x
  • ./

Image description

Create The MongoDB User

Run the following commands:

  • mongo –ssl –sslCAFile /jiffydb/mongo/ssl/ca.pem –sslPEMKeyFile /jiffy
  • db/mongo/ssl/mongocertkey.pem –sslAllowInvalidHostnames <
  • /jiffydb/mongo/conf/mongo_initialize.js

Image description

How to start/restart PG and Mongo databases

Postgres database:

Run the following commands:

  • systemctl stop postgresql-9.6
  • systemctl start postgresql-9.6

Mongo database:

Run the following command:

mongod -f /jiffydb/mongo/conf/mongo.conf

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