
Start Core Application Server


Perform the following steps to start the application whenever there is maintenance activity in the core server or application upgrades etc.

    Start NGINX Service

    Log in to the core server and run the following command as a Root User to start the NGINX.

    • /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx
    • ps -ef | grep nginx

    Image description

    Start Elasticsearch/Kibana Cluster

    Elasticsearch and Kibana are run as docker containers and managed through docker-compose.
    1. Navigate to the Jiffy installation folder.

      cd /opt/jiffy

    2. Change Directory into subfolder deps/elasticsearch.

      cd deps/elasticsearch

    3. Run the following command as a root user.

      docker-compose up -d

    Two instances of elasticsearch and one instance of Kibana are up now. Image description

    Start Service

    1. Run the following command to bring up Elasticsearch Node1.

      docker-compose start node1

    2. Run the following command to bring up Elasticsearch Node2.

      docker-compose start node2

    3. Run the following command to bring up Kibana.

      docker-compose start kibana

    Image description
  • Run the following command to inspect services.

    docker-compose ps

Image description

Inspect Logs

  1. Run the following command to inspect the complete logs of cluster.

    docker-compose logs -f

  2. Run the following command to inspect logs from Elasticsearch Node1.

    docker-compose logs -f node1

  3. Run the following command to inspect logs from Elasticsearch Node2.

    docker-compose logs -f node2

  4. Run the following command to inspect logs from Kibana.

    docker-compose logs -f kibana

Image description

Start Application Level services

Jiffy core services, such as stop/start Applications must be performed from jiffyapp-usr

Switch the user to app Linux user and run the following commands as app user to start the Jiffy Application.

Start Zipkins Service

Run the following command if Zipkins services are not up and running.

  • ps -ef | grep zipkin
  • $JIFFY\HOME/zipkin/conf/

Image description

Start Application

  1. Run the following command to start the Application.

    application start all

    To enter the Masterkey, you can run the history | grep -i passphrase command or type the command export and press the pg up button to get the latest passphrase.

    Image description
  2. Run the following command to check whether all the services have started:
  3. application status

    Image description

Start Functionator Container

  1. Run the following command to start Functionator Container.
  2. docker start jiffy-functionator

    Image description
  3. Run the following command to check the status of Functionator Container.

docker ps -a

Image description

Vault Unseal During Restart

Run the following commands as app user(jiffyapp-usr) whenever there is an application restart to start the vault services.

  • Step 1:

    cd $JIFFY_HOME/.vault.d/

  • Step 2:

    nohup vault server -config=startupconfig.hcl > vault_$(date+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log 2>&1 &

  • Step 3:

    vault operator unseal <unseal key 1 which was generated during the initialization>

  • Step 4:

    vault operator unseal <unseal key 2 which was generated during the initialization>

Check Vault Running Status

Run the following commands to check the Vault Running Status.

ps -ef | grep vault

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