


Document Functions are used to manipulate the document or the document table to meet the requirements in succeeding steps of the automation process. To know more about how to use Document Functions, click here.

List of Document Functions

Functions Description
DOCX To PDF Converts the DOCX document to PDF
Convert Image PDF to Text PDF Converts an Image PDF into Text PDF using Abbyy license
Excel To PDF Converts the Excel document to PDF
Extract Image Extracts the image from the region in the PDF specified by the given selectors
Extract Pages Extracts the specified range of pages from the PDF and creates an output PDF with the extracted pages
Extract Text In Area Extracts the text from the region in the PDF specified by the given selectors
Extract Text To Bottom Extracts the text present below the specified label
Extract Text To Left Extracts the text present to the left of the specified label
Extract Text To Right Extracts the text present to the right of the specified label
Extract Text To Top Extracts the text present above the specified label
Find Number Of Pages Finds the number of pages in PDF document
Find Occurrence Of Dictionary Item Finds the text that matches with the keyword in the dictionary table for the specified number of occurrences
Find Page Number With Occurrence Of Dictionary Item Finds the page number of the text that matches with the keyword in the dictionary table for the specified number of occurrences
Find Page Number With The Occurrence Of Pattern Finds the page number of the occurrence of the text matching the regex pattern
Find The Occurrence Of Pattern Finds the occurrence of the text matching a regex pattern
Get Document OCR Confidence Finds the OCR confidence score of a PDF using Abbyy Software
Merge PDF Merges the contents of two PDF documents
PDF Reset Column Clears the field-level validations applied
Set Status For Document Modifies the status of the document
Set Validation For Inner Column Adds the specified validation error message for the column of the Inline table in the document table.
Set Validation For Outer Column Adds the specified validation error message for the column of the document table
Split PDF to Pages Splits the PDF page wise
W2 Split Splits the W2 Wage and Tax Statement files into individual PDFs.
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